Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas Is Coming...

Hello to family and friends! Hope all is well with you. We are just preparing for Christmas and the new year. I love this time of year! Its the best! Christmas shopping (not my favorite, but its been fun this year), watching movies, wrapping presents, making goodies. Its so much fun! Eliza and her cousin Jude went and saw Santa again, I guess we can't get enough of that guy. She seems to not be bothered by him though. She likes touching his beard, its really cute! I'm hoping to send out a little Christmas card this year, but I will have to see how things go. Its been a tad bit on the crazy side this past few months.

Eliza is enjoying her bottle quite a bit more these last few days. That pleases me a lot because I have to go back to school starting the beginning of January so it makes me worry less about her mood. She's developing quite the little personality. The only bad thing about that, is that she doesn't like to sleep very well. Any suggestions from the great moms out there? But other than that, she is adorable. She laughs and smiles at certain things I can tell she has grown to like. We went and saw a movie the other night and, all things considered, she was great! She loves my computer. She doesn't like to keep her hands off of the key board or the screen when I am using it. She seems to be in awe of it. It will be fun to watch her open her presents on Christmas.

Other than that, there hasn't been much going on this past week and a half or so. Just getting ready and excited for Christmas. I'm sure there will be more to tell next time. Again, we hope all is well with everyone! Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS! Here are some more pictures of Little Eliza:

OH! Just in case I do sit down and do Christmas cards, I would LOVE to send you all one. I'm sure I do not have you addresses though, so maybe you could send them to me?



Mollie said...

Happy Birthday! Happy, Happy Birthday! I love you! And you do have the dang cutest baby ever! Until I have some and then you have to say I have the dang cutest babies - that's what sisters do.