Sunday, December 9, 2007

Let It Snow!

Hello to you all! Its been an eventful week or so. The weather has been typical of a Utah Fall/Winter. However, I've never seen so much snow in my life! Its very pretty, but it is really a beast to drive in. Here are a couple of pictures from yesterday (12/8/07)...

My Aunt Joan from Florida had been here for about a week and a half for Mollie's wedding. We had a great time with her! One Saturday we went to Gardner's Village in West Jordan. For those of you who don't know anything about Gardner's Village, it is a historic mill with little old houses that have been turned into classy little shops. I love to go up there and just walk around and roam in and out of the shops. While we were there, there were some ducks who must of been really cold. Their pond was frozen over. I knelt down so Eliza could see them and they went crazy. It was like they were so excited to have someone pay attnetion to them. And Eliza loved was fascinated by them. It was really cute to watch.

On Friday night we took Eliza to see Santa for the first time. I've been so excited for Christmas so that I can have a picture with Eliza and Santa Claus. He was such a nice Santa too! She wasn't afraid of him at all. She would just study his face and play with his beard. It was so cute! I'm so relieved that she likes Santa. Here are some pictures...

My parents had an exersaucer that they had used for my sister's kids. My dad went and got it from storage and cleaned it up. The minute we put her in there she was so excited! She loves playing with the toys and smiling. She has also really discovered her feet. Whenever I lay her down to change her diaper or something, she immediatly grabs her feet. Its so sweet!

Anyways...that's about all that is going on here. Just getting ready for Christmas and all the birthdays that are coming up. Hope all is well with everyone else!



Davenport Family said...

I'm so jealous, I LOVE the snow. It rarely ever snows here but today when we left for church it was snowing:) I was so excited, but sadly it's too warm to stick and by the time sacrament was over it had stopped. But, we are going to Michigan next week so there might be a white Christmas in our future after all! Eliza is so big! I can't wait until Kimmie does all that fun stuff. She still loves to sleep most of the time. But when she is up I make her do tummy time until she gets too fussy. It's so fun watching her grow and change. I can't believe how much Eliza has already changed. I'm glad to hear things are going well. Keep the posts coming, I love reading them!

Mollie said...

Cutest baby!