Sunday, December 23, 2007

Eliza Is Sitting Up, My Birthday & Our Christmas Pictures

Hello Again Everyone! Is everyone ready for the holidays? I'M NOT! I'm not even done Christmas shopping! Christmas Eve is going to be a busy day for me. This week has been full of just getting ready for Christmas and a couple of birthdays, including mine. On Tuesday we went up to Mollie & Carlos' for Carlos' 30th birthday. It was so fun! We had pizza and Baskin Robbins ice cream cake. YUMMY! Eliza played on the ground and practiced rolling over after she woke up from her evening nap.

Eliza has started sitting up all by herself. She started this a couple of weeks after we got the exersaucer out for her to play with. She's a very curious baby! She likes to sit up and watch what is going on around her. She has really started paying attention to music. When there is a song playing, no matter where she is or where the music is coming from she stops and looks for it. She loves being in church when there is music. Hopefully she'll want to play the piano or something when she gets older. It also gives me hope that she might have some sort of rhythm (which I lack in a BIG way!).

My birthday was yesterday. I'M 25!! I don't know why, but I feel so old! I know, I know! I'm only 25, right? But some people have a hard time with 20, 30, 40. I hated turning 25! We had a fun little party last night. It was the BYU Bowl game, so starting at 6:30pm I was no longer important. Real nice, huh? Just kidding! It was a lot of fun. I got the new Celine Dion CD, the Enchanted soundtrack, the new Carrie Underwood CD and some clothes. It was nice! My mom made my favorite chocolate pie and my normal birthday dinner Enchilada Casserole. It was yummy! (Notice how I mentioned dessert first?)

Eliza and I also took our Christmas pictures this week. Obviously I haven't gotten my Christmas cards out yet! I think I will send out New Years cards instead. Is that creative? Eliza just looked so cute in her dress from Mollie's wedding that I had to have her wear it for her Christmas dress.

OK! One more little section...Mollie finally got her professional pictures back from her wedding. I love them! Her boss Lyndsey did such a great job. Mollie works for Lyndsey Jane Photography. If anyone is looking for a wedding photographer, they would be a GREAT choice!

We hope everyone has a great Christmas and New Years. My New Years Resolution is to start going to the gym and to be more organized!! Those have been my resolutions for the last few years too, obviously I still need some work in those areas.



Mollie said...


Lisa R.D. said...

Very fun blog--and such great photos. Eliza is just adorable--I can't wait to be with her every week! Looking forward to seeing you soon!