Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Eliza's 1st Christmas, New Years & School is Starting!

Hello Everybody! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I know that we did. Christmas Eve was great! Eliza got to spend time with her dad during the day and I got to finish Christmas shopping. Next year, I am making it a point to be DONE shopping by two weeks before the big day. It's just too stressful to be doing last minute stuff so...last minute. I'm sure that you all know how that feels. If not, good for you! What is your secret? In the evening on Christmas Eve we had the family over to have ham and potatoes and later opened a few presents and read the annual Christmas book my parents always give. It was a great book! It was called CHRISTMAS DAY IN THE MORNING by Pearl S. Buck. Eliza and I got cute Christmas Eve jammies.

On Christmas morning Eliza got to go spend time with John and the rest of the Capuas. After seeing pictures, I can tell that she enjoyed the time with them opening presents. She came back in the afternoon to open presents with me and my family. John stuck around and helped Eliza open her presents from Santa and me. She got some great stuff! Man! Babies have all the luck! Christmas Day was also Eliza's 6 month birthday. I cannot believe my baby is already a 1/2 a year old! It makes me kind of sad, but excited about how she's growing. In the evening a few of us in the family went and saw the second National Treasure movie. Rhonda stayed behind and watched Eliza. That was so nice! All in all, Eliza's 1st Christmas was so much fun!

Our New Years celebrations were not quite as eventful as our Christmas festivities. My mom and dad went to California to visit my sister and her family and I chose to stay home to spend some time with Eliza before I start school. School starts for me tomorrow. I'm going into Elementary Education. I'm kind of scared, but mostly excited! Anyways...that's all for us! I would love to hear how your holidays went.

OH! Here are some cute pictures John took of Eliza while he was here. ENJOY!



Lisa R.D. said...

We love that book too, it's one of our favorites. The story always makes me cry though, so I have a hard time reading it out loud. Glad your Christmas was so fun!

Kira said...

Looks like fun, Laura. I love reading your blog and I LOVE the pictures of your gorgeous daughter! Have a fantastic 2008. Good luck in school.

Megan said...

Babies seriously score at Christmas. Ryan got more presents than his parents! And he can't even hold his head up!! I can't believe how big Eliza is!! She is darling. and Elem. Ed.!? I'm so excited for you!!

Davenport Family said...

It sounds like you had a fun Christmas. I started school today too and it was so hard to leave Kimmie! I am only taking 6 credits but I hate leaving her. Luckily, Seth's mom watches her so at least we are fortunate enough to have a great babysitter. So, we are coming to Utah for June-August so Seth can do an internship and take a class at BYU. Where are you going to school?
P.S. I love Eliza's hair. Kimmie had some hair when she was born but not that much, I am jealous;)

Kylie Ann said...

You have a Beautiful girl! I just love you both. I hope we are still good. I love you lots Laura!