Friday, January 25, 2008

Eliza is 7 Months Old & My New Hair Cut

Hey Everyone! So today Eliza is 7 months old. I truly cannot believe that she is already getting so big. She has such a cute little personality. She's started jiber jabbering in the last few days. It is so stinking cute! Last night she looked at me and goes, "Mamamama." I almost cried! I'm sure she didn't mean to refer to me as Mama, but I would like to think my child is a genious and can speak at 7 months old :). I love how when I come home from school she is so excited to see me. It makes my heart so happy! I miss being able to be with her all day, every day, but she loves being with her Grammy and Papa and on Tuesdays she gets to spend time with her Mamaw and some other members of her dad's family. On Thursdays she loves to go see my friend Lisa for a few hours when I am in school. She is just really blessed that she has so many people in her life that love her.

OK! So the day before yesterday I went to my hair girl with the intention of trimming my hair and having her fix how blonde my hair was. My hair, you can see in the previous posts, was so blonde. My hair has gone so dark since I've had Eliza, so I just don't think I can pull off the REALLY blonde thing anymore. So, she was fxing the color and I said, "Lauren, I want to CUT my hair." I'd been thinking about it for a while, but I had to make sure I wasn't just cutting it because I'm a "mom" now. So, we cut it! And I think I like it. It's going to take a little while to get used to because my hair has been so long, FOR so long, but I think I'm going to like it. So, here's a picture:

YIKES! I can't believe I cut it so short! Anyways...hope all is well with everyone. For those of you who have blogs, I love reading them! Talk to you all soon!



Megan said...

Love the hair cut!! But then again- you always look cute! I can't believe how big she is, so darling!

Lisa R.D. said...

Your hair looks so cute (and doesn't look at all like a "Mom" cut!). For the record, we are the lucky ones that get to take care of Eliza for a short time each week. She's a sweetheart!

lyndsey said...

laura i love that baby. can you come back to CA so i can meet her?? and also...your hair looks great of course but i was expecting something drastic when you said it was short...and your hair isn't even that short. hahaha. lookin good though!

Karly said...

Wow I love the hair, it looks so healthy and shiny and beautiful! You look great too. Not like a mom, but a single, hot little lady! And that first picture of Eliza is probably the cutest I've ever seen of her, she gets cuter and cuter. Come visit Cali, so Lyndsey, Megan and I can all hang out with you.