Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Eliza's Dancing Video, Her New Dolly and a Very Cute Dress!!

Hello Everyone! I just thought I would post a cute little video of Eliza. She LOVES her exersaucer that her Grammy and Papa gave to her for Christmas. But unfortunantly, I don't know how to do that. It is so cute, when she hear's the music she gets so excited and starts dancing. She's also started this new screaming thing, that you would hear in the video too, if I knew how to post it. If I can figure it out I will put another post up. HAHA! Just recently when she's happy, sad or even just content she will scream. Its really funny until it happens in the middle of church. And ya can't expect a 7 month old baby to understand "HUSH!"

My sister and her family sent Eliza a little gift package. It had a couple new outfits in it and the adorable little doll that you see in the picture above. She was so happy to have it! She grabbed it (yes! Eliza GRABS, she doesn't just TAKE something, is that a bad thing? Should I be doing something about that? HAHA!)

How cute is that dress?! I got it for her for Christmas and I thought it was too big, but I put it on her for church on Sunday and it was a perfect fit! Hopefully she doesn't grow too fast and then not be able to wear it a couple of times. I'm not sure if I told you this in my last post (I guess I could look), but I took Eliza for her shots a couple of weeks ago. She did great! She had a fever the first day, but after that she was her happy little self. She's a tiny thing too. She weighed 14 1/2 pounds! I'm not sure her length, I was just shocked that she was so little. I was for sure she had to be bigger than that. But, the doctor said he's not worried. Neither her dad or I are big, tall people, so he said she is just perfect. As a mom, its always nice to here that your child is doing well, and that you're doing a good job caring for them.

Our dog Phoebe has started to feel free to take over the house. Man! She is demanding! But man is she cute! She's in heat right now, so she seems to be a little bit mopey around the house. She thinks she is mistress of the house if you ask me. She gets on the couches and just lays there and sleeps, knowing that it isn't allowed, but her attitude is "Ya know! I don't really care." Funny how dogs can portray that emotion in their body language. She's a sweet little thing, isn't she!

So, Mollie and I went to the Sundance Film Festival up in Park City on Saturday night. While we were there, we met Dr. Patrick Drake from General Hospital. If any of you watch that show (yes I know its a soap opera and its a waste of time, blah blah blah) you know that he is one GOOD LOOKING guy! To top that, he was so nice! His name is Jason Thompson. All in all, Mollie and I had a really good time walking up Main Street looking for some famous faces. Its a rarity that I get to go out and do stuff like this, so when I do, its such a blast!

Anyways...Hope everything is good with everyone else! Take Care!


Kira said...

Wow. Laura. You have one cute kid, there. And so tiny! Tobin weighed 14 lbs. at his 2 month dr. appt. We plan on being out there soon and can't wait for our kids to meet.

Mollie said...

Laura, in the top picture Eliza actually looks like you! Cool!