Thursday, January 17, 2008

Long Time No Blogging...

Hello Everyone! I have slacked on the blogging thing lately, sorry to disappoint anyone. I've just been so crazy busy with starting school and everything, our blog has fallen to the bottom of my list. My friend from Florida was out here for Christmas with her family. She just happens to have a little boy that is only one month older than Eliza so we got together for lunch and so that the two of them could entertain eachother. Eliza wasn't exactly sure what to do with him, but he has 4 older siblings so he wanted to play. It was so nice to see Jessie and her family. I miss them so much!

Eliza is almost 7 MONTHS OLD!!! It really has gone so fast. After Christmas we decided it was time for her to have her very own room. So, we packed up our stuff from downstairs in the basement and moved upstairs. I have MY very own room too! Eliza is totally mesmerized by the ceiling fan in her room. She will almost fall over while she's sitting up so that she can study this new thing she has found. Its so cute!

The other night I was bathing Eliza. Baths are not her favorite, so much. But she was doing so good, so I thought I would get the camera and take pictures. Well, things went south and FAST! She reached for her toy and went face first into the water. I threw the camera down and got her out. Needless to say, that bathing session didn't go very well. Here's a picture before the spill:

And after:

Some sad brother and Rhonda are not getting married anymore. I KNOW! SAD! But everything is good, Phil is adjusting really well. Other than that, all that's been going on is SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL! I cannot believe the amount of work 4 classes generates. I thought this would be an easy semester. For others it might be, but time management has never been one of my strong points and man am I learning that concept quickly.

Mollie and I are having a sisters' weekend, this weekend. Carlos is going on a business trip, so we are hanging out. Friday night is gym night and Saturday night we are going to Park City to the Sundance Film Festival. It will be lots of fun! I'm sure that I will have pictures. Hope all is well with you and your family! Here are some cute pictures of Eliza:



Davenport Family said...

I'm glad you finally posted an update! Don't worry about school, you'll adjust it just takes time. That's so fun Eliza got her own room, how is she sleeping? Kimmie loves her room, she will lay there laughing for at least an hour every morning before I finally go in and get her. It's so cute! Well, I'm glad things are going well and I look forward to your posts so keep them coming!

Megan said...

Love the post! I miss you!! I can't believe how big Eliza is. I love her hair, it cracks me up!

Mollie said...

So very adorable, but I need an update!

Karly said...

My favorite is the one of Eliza staring at the cieling fan, so adoreable! I've looked at it a few times and it makes me laugh. She's a doll!