Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This weekend Nate and I ditched our cute little kiddos and went on a fun excursion to Phoenix. His sister and brother live down there and Nate wanted to visit them. We stopped at Lake Powell on the way down. I had never been there before so I wanted to see what all the hype was about.

It was really pretty there! I was excited to finally see it. The water was too cold though so we couldn't go swimming. I was a little bit bummed about that.

Once we got to Phoenix we just relaxed. It was a nice break from the norm. Nate and I went hiking on Saturday afternoon. It was only about 80 degrees so it was a great day to be outside!

The rest of the time we hung out with Nate's fun family. We had such a great time! We missed our kids though. Weird huh? HAHA!

Seems like I'm on trips alot doesn't it? I do get to have a ton of fun lately! Its awesome! NEXT STOP: California for Thanksgiving! YAY! I'm so excited!


Michelle, Jack, Charlie, and Nick! said...

I know how it feels to miss your child, but I am really bad. I took a nap on Sunday while Jack took care of little Charlie and I woke up, ran to him and just kissed and hugged him for a good ten min. cause I missed him during my 2 hour pathetic is that!

Megan said...

Hurray! Hope we'll get to see you, it might be busy for us, Scotts family gets us for their FIRST time on actual t-day, then my brother is going through the temple before the mish. I hope I hope I hope (to see you)!

Rey and Melanie said...

OK LAURA....We WILL see each other when you are down here for Thanksgiving. I am determeined!!! When I read your blog it makes me miss you...I think of the old days and you and I just always got along so well. How long will you be down for?? Are you staying at your sister's house. Let me know k.

Morgan said...

Really though, you are always going out of town! What a fun life! How do you keep up with school and go on vacation every other week? Have a great time in Cali. We never get to hang out here in Utah, but maybe we'll see each other in California at Thanksgiving....

Mollie said...

Can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving!

ryan + carly said...

ha! i know. stubborn little children that we have! jude was asking about li-li last night. and btw i forgot to post a comment to tell you how cute she looked on halloween! adorable little witch.

Karly said...

What a fun trip. And I'm glad you're coming to Cali for Thanksgiving - it will be a nice, warm one for you! We are doing something sooo untraditional for our family. We are all packing our bags and heading to a cabin on 5 acres for Thanksgiving! We all leave Wednesday and get back on Monday. So I'm sure we will miss you. Bummer! But - Chris and I are coming up to Utah for a week or so around Christmas time. If that works out we need to stop and see you! Will you be in Utah for Christmas?