Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Sunday and Hide-n-Seek with Eliza

We had a great Easter! Eliza's dad came and got her in the morning so he could have her during the day. He said that they had a great time. When he brought her home she opened her Easter basket from the Easter Bunny and Grammy and Papa. Her Mamaw and Papaw gave her a toy and a little outfit. She wore the outfit yesterday. It was so adorable! John also brought with him a little quilt that his mom made for Eliza. It actually matches her bedding that Vicky made. It really is to die for! Here's a picture:

When I gwt her room all set up I will post some pictures. But, I just ordered her dresser, so it might be a couple of months. Apparently, I chose the most popular bedroom set so most of it is on back order. Nice huh!

All in all, we had a great Easter! My mom and dad made an amazing feast: Ham, funeral potatoes (we call them "Yummy Potatoes"), broccoli, rolls...SO DELICIOUS! Eliza's Mamaw took her to the store to pick out a toy on Saturday. She said Eliza reached right for this stuffed lion. She is now totally attached to it. When she sees it, she doesn't give up until she has it. It is so cute! When she finally gets it, she hugs and kisses it. Too adorable!

Obviously, she doesn't like to be anywhere without that stuffed animal. HAHA!

Eliza and I have a routine most mornings. She usually wakes up at about 9am or so. I will feed her a bottle in my bed, we play for a little while, I take her downstairs and feed her cereal and fruit, we play a little bit more, then while I am taking a shower she plays with her toys on the floor in my parents' room. She totally used to it now, so she expects everything. Well today, things were going as normal. I put her on the floor with her toys and I hopped in the shower. When I got out I went to go check on her but she wasn't where I left her. I kind of panicked and then I heard her make a little sound. I looked around and there she was, underneath my parents' bed, on her tummy, just playing with the stuff that was around her. I said, "Hey! What are you doing you little stinker?" She just smiled at me and kept on playing. I laughed and ran for my camera. So funny!

Notice the stuffed animal right by her. HAHA! Anyways...thats about it for us! Mollie took some fancy Easter pictures of Eliza and me. I will post those when she is finished editing them. Hope all is well with everyone!


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Funny Videos!

I found these videos on You Tube. I love that website! They have the best videos. These are a couple of videos that I can't stop watching! I think the little boys' laughs are hysterical! ENJOY!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Hello Everyone! Eliza and I got back from California on Monday night. Its been busy since then so I haven't been able to post the pictures. We had a great time down there. We got in on Tuesday night and the fun started. Eliza did not want to go to sleep. She was too excited to be in a new place. She finally went to sleep at about 11:45pm after much convincing and a car ride on 2 freeways. Wednesday we just hung out with my sister. It was so fun! Then on Thursday I rented a car and drove down to Huntington Beach to meet my friend Megan and her new little boy Ryan. Eliza loved being out and about. We ate lunch and walked around the town a little bit and then headed down to Dana Point to meet our other friend Karly. She just got married, so Megan and I were excited to see her new little apartment. We went to dinner and just chatted about old times and what all of us were up to now. It was so much fun! I miss those girls so much! Eliza wasn't all that interested in allowing me to be too indulged in our conversations, but that's ok. I felt bad that her schedule was so screwed up.

The rest of the time we just hung out with my sister and her family. Friday night I took my nephew Brandon and neice Amanda to see the movie Horton Hears a Who. That was a very cute movie! Steve Carell and Jim Carey were the 2 main voices in the cartoon. Steve Carell makes my day, really I bought the movie Dan in Real Life while we were down there. He is the main guy in that movie too. If anybody wants a funny, feel-good movie, go watch that! Its a serious topic, but Steve Carell makes it hilarious.

On Saturday afternoon, Eliza was really cranky and so she napped a couple times. When she woke up I started to get her dressed and everything. She DOES NOT like to get dressed! But my brother in law Jay walked in with his sunglasses on his head. She was completly facsinated by them. So, Jay put them on her. She thought that was so funny! I quick and ran to get my camera and thankfully got a cute picture.

Sunday was Amanda's 10th birthday. She was so excited for all of her presents. My sister Carrie Beth went to culinary school to be a pastry and dessert chef. She made a beautiful and I must say, very YUMMY cake for the celebration. Poor Amanda was sick in the morning, but recovered by the evening for pancakes, sausage and bacon...her choice for her birthday dinner.

We flew home on Monday night. Eliza's dad took us to the airport, but unfortunatly I procrastinated packing and so we missed our flight. I was devastated because I just KNEW Eliza was going to be so tired and turn into the ultimate disaster on the plane. But she wasn't! She did great! There were a couple of times that she got a little bit upset, but for the most part she was an angel baby. On the flight to Las Vegas she wanted to sit in her own seat. My cute big girl!

All in all, we had a really good time! I am glad to be home though. I think traveling is really hard on Eliza, so I think till she's older we may have to just stay put. Hope all is well with everybody! We would love to hear from you. Take Care!


Sunday, March 16, 2008

100 Things About Me...ok, Maybe Just 50

OK! This is a very old picture of me, but it was all that was on my sister's computer. I saw this idea on one of my friend's blogs and I thought that it might be a fun thing to try. I'm not sure that there are 100 things that are actually interesting about me, but I will try. Here we go:

1. I have a beautiful daughter named Eliza. She will turn 9 months old in a couple weeks.
2. I am the last of 4 kids.
3. I grew up in California. I lived there until I graduated from high school.
4. I have lived in California, Utah, Idaho, Florida and Michigan.
5. I have a dental assisting license, but I hated being a dental assitant and I hope that I never have to do it again.
6. My favorte movie of all time is Enchanted. Laugh if you must, but I loved it!
7. I have a shih tzu puppy named Phoebe.
8. My favorite vacation spot is Cambria, CA.
9. I LOVE DisneyLand! Or DisneyWorld, which ever one is more accesible.
10. I have the most AMAZING best friend who I know that I can trust with my life.
11. Fish creep me out a little bit.
12. I had an interesting time being a teenager, but I think I learned from every experience that I've had.
13. I'm divorced, but I'm still on good terms with my ex-husband.
14. I love the High School Musical movies.
15. I think Zac Efron from the High School Musical movies is so adorable!
16. I like Edward way more than Jacob! (Sorry Rachel! I had to publicly disagree with you)
17. I always like to be tan. I feel like if I'm not, I look sick.
18. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups are my guilty pleasure.
19. I HATE my legs! If they had leg transplants, I would do it in a second, no matter the cost.
20. I don't know anything about light bulbs or electrical circuits.
21. I don't like Asian food at all!
22. I hate being pregnant but I thought being in the hospital and being in labor was so relaxing - thanks to my sweet epidural!
23. I'm really not so good at math, oh well!
24. I'm to school to be a family therapist.
25. I think having 4 kids would be a great number.
26. I love laying on the beach on a nice warm and sunny day!
27. When I get married again, I want it to be in the New Port Beach temple.
28. I love that I was raised in the gospel.
29. I love cooking!
30. ...and I LOVE eating!
31. I can only eat seafood thats fried, which takes all the nutritional value out of it.
32. I like to think I'm organized.
33. I have an amazing family!
34. I drive a Toyota Corolla.
35. I would love to learn how to camp and apparently I will accomplish that this summer.
36. I sometimes wear an 8 1/2 in shoes but since I've had a baby, more often than not I wear a 9. Weird!
37. I just got called as a relief society teacher in my ward. Thats a fun calling!
38. I'm obsessed with General Hospital, that along with my peanut butter cups is another one of my guilty pleasures.
39. Instead of going to my senior prom, I went to Universal Studios.
40. I've had braces twice.
41. I've been to Canada.
42. I love climbing into a bed with clean sheets.
43. I feel the same way about a clean shower.
44. Eliza's laugh lightens up my day.
45. I think text messaging is an amazing invention.
46. Being sick makes me really ornery.
47. Lets be honest! I'm a girl, I do like to shop. But my need to shop isn't as extreme as some other people that that I know.
48. I think being a mom is the hardest, but at the same time, the most rewarding thing that I have ever done.
49. May is my favorite month of the year in Utah. Not too hot, not too cold. Jut Perfect!
50. Last but not least, having a family is the most important thing to me. I've been very lucky to have great parents, I hope that I can do the same for Eliza.

So, I can't think of anything else. Maybe one day I will finish the other 50 iteresting things about me. If you made it thru that, congradulations!You are officially bored! HEHE!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Eliza's Cute Hat & Crawling

Um, Really! How cute is this picutre. I put this hat on her this afternoon and she seemed fine with it. I got it for her awhile back and it didn't fit her very well, so she hated it. But, now, even though it is still a little bit big, she just looks so cute in it! I love pink and brown too! Her Mamaw made her THE cutest crib set with pink and brown. To die for! We're just waiting for the crib and dresser to come and then I will have pictures posted. Thank you again Vicky!

Oh my goodness! This sweet little baby wants to crawl so bad! She gets up on her hands and knees and wants to move so bad but she ends up rolling over onto her back. Poor thing! She gets pretty frustrated but then moves on to do 1 of 2 things. She will either roll to her desired destination or turn back on her tummy and scoot backwards until she gets where she wants to go. Isn't amazing how an 8 month old can know what she wants already? And BELIEVE ME! My little 8 month old knows ALL TOO WELL what she wants. I don't know where she gets it from.

Hope everyone is doing well! Take Care!


Monday, March 3, 2008

Busy Weekend & Eliza's Big Day!

It has been a fun weekend for Eliza! Her daddy was in town, so she got to go spend some time with the Capua Family. She really loves her daddy! Even though he is gone a lot, she always remembers and is ecstatic to see him when he comes to get her. While Eliza was with her dad this weekend, I went to get and hour and a half massage. This was on Saturday, and let me tell ya! It was heavenly! Then Saturday evening, I went to dinner with a couple of friends and after that I headed of to my friends' KaLynne and Matty's wedding reception. I went to high school with the two of them. I can't believe they are married, but they are a beautiful couple. You can see their pictures on my sister Mollie's blog. Anyways, so then on Sunday, I picked Eliza up from the Capuas' house and we went to Mollie and Carlos' for dinner. Carolos made an authentic Mexican dinner for us. It looked and smelled fabulous! I asked for some sour cream to put on my tortilla and carne asada meat...oh man! I got the dirtiest look from Carlos. APPARENTLY sour cream is not really "Mexican." YIKES! But, I still like it on my burritos (which is also not authentic Mexican food)! The meat was absoultly fantastic though. THANK YOU CARLOS!!

When Eliza got home tonight she was really tired from playing with her dad all day. After she ate her dinner I put her on the ground to play with her toys and I sat there with her while I studied for my midterm. She dumped all of her toys out of her toy basket; my mom suggested that I put her in the basket and take her for a ride around the room. Apparently my mom did that once and Eliza loved it! So I did it. She thought it was the funniest thing! She is also starting to want to get on her hands and knees so that she can crawl. My sweet little baby is getting so big! I'm sure that all you moms can understand how sad it is to see your babies get big, but its a joy at the same time. are a few pictures of the sequence of events that occured while Eliza played in her toy basket:

How CUTE is that?!

After we did all that playing, Eliza was pooped. I needed to study for my midterm so my mom bathed her and put her to bed. When my mom finished giving her her bottle and putting her to sleep she came into my room and told me to "Come Here!" I went into Eliza's room and she was sleeping so hard. I can't really explain how she looked, but she was so obviously out for the night. I even took a picture and the flash didn't wake her up. I love being her mommy! Oh! She got some way cute clothes today from Old Navy too! Its almost more fun to get clothes for her than for me. Thanks Vicky!

Hope all is well with everyone! Take Care!