Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Sunday and Hide-n-Seek with Eliza

We had a great Easter! Eliza's dad came and got her in the morning so he could have her during the day. He said that they had a great time. When he brought her home she opened her Easter basket from the Easter Bunny and Grammy and Papa. Her Mamaw and Papaw gave her a toy and a little outfit. She wore the outfit yesterday. It was so adorable! John also brought with him a little quilt that his mom made for Eliza. It actually matches her bedding that Vicky made. It really is to die for! Here's a picture:

When I gwt her room all set up I will post some pictures. But, I just ordered her dresser, so it might be a couple of months. Apparently, I chose the most popular bedroom set so most of it is on back order. Nice huh!

All in all, we had a great Easter! My mom and dad made an amazing feast: Ham, funeral potatoes (we call them "Yummy Potatoes"), broccoli, rolls...SO DELICIOUS! Eliza's Mamaw took her to the store to pick out a toy on Saturday. She said Eliza reached right for this stuffed lion. She is now totally attached to it. When she sees it, she doesn't give up until she has it. It is so cute! When she finally gets it, she hugs and kisses it. Too adorable!

Obviously, she doesn't like to be anywhere without that stuffed animal. HAHA!

Eliza and I have a routine most mornings. She usually wakes up at about 9am or so. I will feed her a bottle in my bed, we play for a little while, I take her downstairs and feed her cereal and fruit, we play a little bit more, then while I am taking a shower she plays with her toys on the floor in my parents' room. She totally used to it now, so she expects everything. Well today, things were going as normal. I put her on the floor with her toys and I hopped in the shower. When I got out I went to go check on her but she wasn't where I left her. I kind of panicked and then I heard her make a little sound. I looked around and there she was, underneath my parents' bed, on her tummy, just playing with the stuff that was around her. I said, "Hey! What are you doing you little stinker?" She just smiled at me and kept on playing. I laughed and ran for my camera. So funny!

Notice the stuffed animal right by her. HAHA! Anyways...thats about it for us! Mollie took some fancy Easter pictures of Eliza and me. I will post those when she is finished editing them. Hope all is well with everyone!



Karly said...

I love the quilt! And I can't wait to see her bedroom set. I'm glad you had a good Easter, and what a yummy feast. What is it with kids and rolling under the bed? I've been seeing a lot of it lately? :) So cute.

Rachel said...

Oh my, they are becoming MOBILE! I'm not looking forward to the crawling- that means more work for me! I love the quilt- it's awesome!

Happy Family said...

Those under the bed pics are so funny! Sounds like you all had a great easter. What a nice quilt. I hope you get that dresser soon. I would love to see her bedroom pics when you get the room all together.

Megan said...

that quilt is GEORGEOUS!!! (did i spell that right?) Can't wait to see more!! She is so funny! Love the bed pics!