Sunday, March 16, 2008

100 Things About Me...ok, Maybe Just 50

OK! This is a very old picture of me, but it was all that was on my sister's computer. I saw this idea on one of my friend's blogs and I thought that it might be a fun thing to try. I'm not sure that there are 100 things that are actually interesting about me, but I will try. Here we go:

1. I have a beautiful daughter named Eliza. She will turn 9 months old in a couple weeks.
2. I am the last of 4 kids.
3. I grew up in California. I lived there until I graduated from high school.
4. I have lived in California, Utah, Idaho, Florida and Michigan.
5. I have a dental assisting license, but I hated being a dental assitant and I hope that I never have to do it again.
6. My favorte movie of all time is Enchanted. Laugh if you must, but I loved it!
7. I have a shih tzu puppy named Phoebe.
8. My favorite vacation spot is Cambria, CA.
9. I LOVE DisneyLand! Or DisneyWorld, which ever one is more accesible.
10. I have the most AMAZING best friend who I know that I can trust with my life.
11. Fish creep me out a little bit.
12. I had an interesting time being a teenager, but I think I learned from every experience that I've had.
13. I'm divorced, but I'm still on good terms with my ex-husband.
14. I love the High School Musical movies.
15. I think Zac Efron from the High School Musical movies is so adorable!
16. I like Edward way more than Jacob! (Sorry Rachel! I had to publicly disagree with you)
17. I always like to be tan. I feel like if I'm not, I look sick.
18. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups are my guilty pleasure.
19. I HATE my legs! If they had leg transplants, I would do it in a second, no matter the cost.
20. I don't know anything about light bulbs or electrical circuits.
21. I don't like Asian food at all!
22. I hate being pregnant but I thought being in the hospital and being in labor was so relaxing - thanks to my sweet epidural!
23. I'm really not so good at math, oh well!
24. I'm to school to be a family therapist.
25. I think having 4 kids would be a great number.
26. I love laying on the beach on a nice warm and sunny day!
27. When I get married again, I want it to be in the New Port Beach temple.
28. I love that I was raised in the gospel.
29. I love cooking!
30. ...and I LOVE eating!
31. I can only eat seafood thats fried, which takes all the nutritional value out of it.
32. I like to think I'm organized.
33. I have an amazing family!
34. I drive a Toyota Corolla.
35. I would love to learn how to camp and apparently I will accomplish that this summer.
36. I sometimes wear an 8 1/2 in shoes but since I've had a baby, more often than not I wear a 9. Weird!
37. I just got called as a relief society teacher in my ward. Thats a fun calling!
38. I'm obsessed with General Hospital, that along with my peanut butter cups is another one of my guilty pleasures.
39. Instead of going to my senior prom, I went to Universal Studios.
40. I've had braces twice.
41. I've been to Canada.
42. I love climbing into a bed with clean sheets.
43. I feel the same way about a clean shower.
44. Eliza's laugh lightens up my day.
45. I think text messaging is an amazing invention.
46. Being sick makes me really ornery.
47. Lets be honest! I'm a girl, I do like to shop. But my need to shop isn't as extreme as some other people that that I know.
48. I think being a mom is the hardest, but at the same time, the most rewarding thing that I have ever done.
49. May is my favorite month of the year in Utah. Not too hot, not too cold. Jut Perfect!
50. Last but not least, having a family is the most important thing to me. I've been very lucky to have great parents, I hope that I can do the same for Eliza.

So, I can't think of anything else. Maybe one day I will finish the other 50 iteresting things about me. If you made it thru that, congradulations!You are officially bored! HEHE!


Alli said...

It's okay that you don't know anything about lighting and electrical things. I'm sure you'll learn. And I would love to see you go camping this summer. That would be quite exciting!

Rachel said...

It was fun to read 50 interesting things about you! It's okay if you love Edward more, I like him too, there's just something about Jacob- maybe it's the fact that he's not dead (or UN-dead:) It also probably has something to do with the fact that he's brown. We all know I like brown men!

Karly said...

I'm glad you love cooking now! I remember you made me mac n cheese from a Kraft box when we were younger...and I have to admit it wasn't my favorite. Haha. But now I think I'm willing to let you cook for me again. :)

Kira said...

I thought that was so interesting! And I think anyone who prefers Jacob is a few screws loose. Fun blog. I think I may copy your idea (except I am completely unable to write anything succinctly-- so mine will be the longest post EVER!)

Happy Family said...

You hate asian food? Oh man that is my favorite!

I liked enchanted too. Not my all time favorite but I really thought it was cute and had some funny parts.