Thursday, March 20, 2008


Hello Everyone! Eliza and I got back from California on Monday night. Its been busy since then so I haven't been able to post the pictures. We had a great time down there. We got in on Tuesday night and the fun started. Eliza did not want to go to sleep. She was too excited to be in a new place. She finally went to sleep at about 11:45pm after much convincing and a car ride on 2 freeways. Wednesday we just hung out with my sister. It was so fun! Then on Thursday I rented a car and drove down to Huntington Beach to meet my friend Megan and her new little boy Ryan. Eliza loved being out and about. We ate lunch and walked around the town a little bit and then headed down to Dana Point to meet our other friend Karly. She just got married, so Megan and I were excited to see her new little apartment. We went to dinner and just chatted about old times and what all of us were up to now. It was so much fun! I miss those girls so much! Eliza wasn't all that interested in allowing me to be too indulged in our conversations, but that's ok. I felt bad that her schedule was so screwed up.

The rest of the time we just hung out with my sister and her family. Friday night I took my nephew Brandon and neice Amanda to see the movie Horton Hears a Who. That was a very cute movie! Steve Carell and Jim Carey were the 2 main voices in the cartoon. Steve Carell makes my day, really I bought the movie Dan in Real Life while we were down there. He is the main guy in that movie too. If anybody wants a funny, feel-good movie, go watch that! Its a serious topic, but Steve Carell makes it hilarious.

On Saturday afternoon, Eliza was really cranky and so she napped a couple times. When she woke up I started to get her dressed and everything. She DOES NOT like to get dressed! But my brother in law Jay walked in with his sunglasses on his head. She was completly facsinated by them. So, Jay put them on her. She thought that was so funny! I quick and ran to get my camera and thankfully got a cute picture.

Sunday was Amanda's 10th birthday. She was so excited for all of her presents. My sister Carrie Beth went to culinary school to be a pastry and dessert chef. She made a beautiful and I must say, very YUMMY cake for the celebration. Poor Amanda was sick in the morning, but recovered by the evening for pancakes, sausage and bacon...her choice for her birthday dinner.

We flew home on Monday night. Eliza's dad took us to the airport, but unfortunatly I procrastinated packing and so we missed our flight. I was devastated because I just KNEW Eliza was going to be so tired and turn into the ultimate disaster on the plane. But she wasn't! She did great! There were a couple of times that she got a little bit upset, but for the most part she was an angel baby. On the flight to Las Vegas she wanted to sit in her own seat. My cute big girl!

All in all, we had a really good time! I am glad to be home though. I think traveling is really hard on Eliza, so I think till she's older we may have to just stay put. Hope all is well with everybody! We would love to hear from you. Take Care!



Megan said...

It was SOOO fun to see you guys!! When are you coming back?? PS- who's the fat girl in the green sweater on the first pic??

Rachel said...

I hate travelling with my kids. They don't sleep, their schedules are completely messed up, and actually getting there and back seems to be difficult no matter how we do it. Good for you in making the attempt! Glad you had a good time!

Happy Family said...

That little girl of yours is adorable!

You missed a flight? That sucks. Jason misses flights all the time and he calls me whining when it happens. I really do feel bad for him when it happens so I can only imagine what that must be like missing a flight with a child.

ryan + carly said...

hey, it looks like your trip was way fun. i love the pic of eliza in the sunglasses. so cute. and i just wanted to say that on your 50 things about you...i agree with liking edward more than jacob. way more! love ya.

Tifany said...

UHHH where is the part where you met ME for lunch!!! huh?!!! jk I see how it is!! jk Glad I got to see you!!

Lisa R.D. said...

I'm so jealous that you got to go to SoCal and stay with CB and family. I miss them!!! I am glad you had a good visit though, and the pics of Eliza are darling. She is such a cutie!

Alli said...

Huntington Beach, really? I'm so jealous! I've been thinking about that place for about the last 2 months wishing I could just be lying on the beach. Glad you had fun.