Monday, March 3, 2008

Busy Weekend & Eliza's Big Day!

It has been a fun weekend for Eliza! Her daddy was in town, so she got to go spend some time with the Capua Family. She really loves her daddy! Even though he is gone a lot, she always remembers and is ecstatic to see him when he comes to get her. While Eliza was with her dad this weekend, I went to get and hour and a half massage. This was on Saturday, and let me tell ya! It was heavenly! Then Saturday evening, I went to dinner with a couple of friends and after that I headed of to my friends' KaLynne and Matty's wedding reception. I went to high school with the two of them. I can't believe they are married, but they are a beautiful couple. You can see their pictures on my sister Mollie's blog. Anyways, so then on Sunday, I picked Eliza up from the Capuas' house and we went to Mollie and Carlos' for dinner. Carolos made an authentic Mexican dinner for us. It looked and smelled fabulous! I asked for some sour cream to put on my tortilla and carne asada meat...oh man! I got the dirtiest look from Carlos. APPARENTLY sour cream is not really "Mexican." YIKES! But, I still like it on my burritos (which is also not authentic Mexican food)! The meat was absoultly fantastic though. THANK YOU CARLOS!!

When Eliza got home tonight she was really tired from playing with her dad all day. After she ate her dinner I put her on the ground to play with her toys and I sat there with her while I studied for my midterm. She dumped all of her toys out of her toy basket; my mom suggested that I put her in the basket and take her for a ride around the room. Apparently my mom did that once and Eliza loved it! So I did it. She thought it was the funniest thing! She is also starting to want to get on her hands and knees so that she can crawl. My sweet little baby is getting so big! I'm sure that all you moms can understand how sad it is to see your babies get big, but its a joy at the same time. are a few pictures of the sequence of events that occured while Eliza played in her toy basket:

How CUTE is that?!

After we did all that playing, Eliza was pooped. I needed to study for my midterm so my mom bathed her and put her to bed. When my mom finished giving her her bottle and putting her to sleep she came into my room and told me to "Come Here!" I went into Eliza's room and she was sleeping so hard. I can't really explain how she looked, but she was so obviously out for the night. I even took a picture and the flash didn't wake her up. I love being her mommy! Oh! She got some way cute clothes today from Old Navy too! Its almost more fun to get clothes for her than for me. Thanks Vicky!

Hope all is well with everyone! Take Care!



Davenport Family said...

I love that picture of her sleeping. Kimmie always sleeps like that and she snores too, it's so cute! Eliza is getting so big so fast, I can't believe Kimmie isn't that far behind her. I love watching her get bigger and do new things, but it's sad to think that she is growing so fast! I hope you did well on your midterm, isn't school so fun, NOT!!!!!

Karly said...

How'd your midterm go? I hope school is going okay. I hated it at times and loved it (rarely, haha) but in the end it felt so good to be done, and you feel so...accomplished. So you have lots to look forward to! I can't believe how big Eliza is. Can't wait to see you guys again.