Friday, February 29, 2008

Eliza is 8 Months Old

I cannot believe that Eliza is already 8 months old! Time has just flown by. She turned 8 months on the 25th of this month. She has decided that sitting and playing with her toys is no longer enjoyable for long periods of time, so she now tries to get on her hands and knees, only to end up on her tummy. But she is getting there. Pretty soon I will have a crawling baby. I can't believe it!! She's also started saying a couple of words. She loves playing patty cake. The other day she was in the middle of playing that game and she goes, "Cake Cake." It was so sweet! Then last night she wanted my keys, so she reached for them and said "Keys." She's only 8 months old! How is she already saying words? Did anybody else's kids talk so early? Or is mine a genious? Just kidding! The picture above is of Eliza in the bath. She loves her bath now! She struggled with it for awhile, but now she enjoys it. She could be totally cranky and if we put her in the bath, its like she's the happiest baby alive. Its amazing! She's started wanting to drink out of the cup we use to wash her hair. Its so cute! Anyways...other than that, there's not much going on. I'm just working hard in school and having fun watching Eliza grow. Hope all is well with everyone! We would love to hear from you!



Davenport Family said...

How cute! She is such a big girl, I can't believe she's 8 months already. That so great that she is saying words too, she is so smart! I'm glad she likes bath time, that picture is so cute. Hope school is going well. Keep the pictures and posts coming, I love reading them!

Kira said...

That is SO early to be saying words. What a little genius! And cute too!

Megan said...

Wow! She is really smart. I think we all have the right to think our kids are the smartest, cutest, whatever, and to believe its true. Hurray for 8 months, I can't believe it. I still remember seeing you two in the hospital when she was so tiny your mom had to go out and buy her PREMIE clothes. Awe, they grow so fast...

Rachel said...

Yea! I found your blog finally! It's cute. Eliza is darling too. I can't believe she is saying words already- amazing!