Saturday, February 2, 2008

Pretty Mommy Shirt, First Tooth (now teeth) & Pigtails

Hello! How is everybody? I just thought I would take some time and post some cute little stories about Eliza. The other day Eliza had a late nap and she had been in her jammies. Her clothes were in the washer, so it was either leave her in her jammies all day or put her in this tacky little outfit that I bought her for Christmas. It was cute at the time that I got it, but I would never have put her in it to go out in public. If you can't see what it says in the picture it says, "If you think I'm pretty, you should see my mommy." HAHA! Its pretty cute! Ironic though seeing that she looks nothing like me. She looks like her dad's family, which really is a GREAT thing! They are very pretty people.
Eliza's first tooth broke through the other day. It was very exciting! She's just getting so big! I know I say that every time I post an update, but at this age, there are so many milestones. And then tonight, she got another tooth right next to the one that broke through the other day. Needless to say, she is miserable. I am really excited that she's gotten teeth, but I wish I could do something to help her be more comfortable. Any advice from you experienced mommies out there. It would be greatly appreciated. I will post pictures of her cute new teeth when she lets me take a picture of them =).
Tonight I got a little bee in my bonnett. Since we were going to dinner with my parents, and Eliza's hair was in disarray I thought I would try something new. So, I put her cute brown locks into pigtails. It looked pretty cute, but a little bit awkward. HAHA! She doesn't quite have enough hair to be doing that kind of style yet. It was fun to take pictures of though. And when I took the pigtails out for the bath, it was so funny! Here are some pictures:
How cute is that!! Anyways...thats about it for us. Hope all is well with all of you. Take Care!