Sunday, February 10, 2008

Our FUN week!

Hello Everybody! Hope everyone is doing well. We've had a very busy week this week. I have been crazy busy with school, I had a paper due in one class that really sent me into a whirlwind. I did a lot of research for it. I chose to do it on the different aspects of pain-free childbirth. I thought maybe I would change my mind about being so set on being medicated. I did a lot of studying and I have come to the conclusion, that I REALLY like the whole idea of being medicated and pain-free while delivering a child. No one gets extra brownie point or a star in Heaven for having a baby natural, so I'm not taking the hard road next time =)!

How cute is this picture?! My sister took it when Eliza was sitting on my lap. I think I've said before in our blog, but she loves my computer. So Mollie decided it would be cute to take a picture.

Eliza loves drinking out of glasses. But only when someone else is. So tonight my brother was drinking his water and she wanted it so bad, so he let her have some. It was so funny because she would have her mouth open in anticipation while he brought the cup up to her face. So funny!

She loves to "fly" in the air. Phil was doing that with her tonight and she was just cackling! We sat there for 30 minutes just watching her and laughing at her reactions to things. I love to watch her learn and grow. Its so fun just to lay on the ground with her while she plays and watch her.

I was also super sick this week. I don't usually get sick, but man did I ever! My mom was so nice and took care of Eliza during the night this weekend so that I could sleep. I had to take Nyquil to sleep though because my throat hurt so bad, and I was coughing like crazy! I have to admit though, it was nothing compared to my first 6 months of pregnancy. Anyways...its bath time for Eliza so I'd better head off! TAKE CARE!



Davenport Family said...

She is getting so big! She seems like she loves to smile. Kimmie loves flying through the air and will laugh like crazy when we do it. Isn't it so fun watching them, I swear we spend most of our time just sitting and watching Kimmie!