Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm Getting Married!!! (oh! and I got a new car)

For all those who know me or keep up with my blog know that that I have been dating this really awesome guy, Nate, for about 5 months now. Things have been amazing! Better than I ever thought a relationship could be really. I got pretty lucky, I will have to admit! Every second we are together, even with our kids, is so much fun! There's always so much to talk and laugh about. Our kids keep us super busy; there is never a dull, thats for sure. Well...maybe there are a few "dull moments" but let me tell ya, we live for those moments when there's nothing to do. HAHA! So, last night, it was official and now we're engaged! Nate surprised me with this awesome Yukon we'd been looking at. I was shocked because he had just told me that day that it had been sold...sneaky he had the kids in the car, all holding signs that spelled out "will you marry me?" SO CUTE?? I mean, I couldn't have said no even if I wanted to. HAHA! Which I never woulda said no. So, thats that! We're getting married on March 6th and then Eliza and I will be moving to Logan, UT to start our new little family! HOORAY!!! Here's a picture of what my car looks like, except mine's a dark gray! Love it!

OH! By the way! Just a quick "thank you" to Phatty...we love you and thanks for helping Nate and I get together! You're the BEST! We owe ya one!!


Kaya turned 5 on the 19th of January! He was so excited to have some of his friends over that night to have cake and ice cream. April, one of Nate's good friend's wives made Kaya a bicycle cake. Oh my gosh! It looked amazing! She has talent! My mom and dad were there along with some other really fun people. I really lucked out on the fun-ness factor when I started dating Nate...WOOHOO! It was really fun! Kaya loved all of his presents and had a great time!!


I went on my very first snowmobiling excursion a couple weeks ago. Nate took me along with his good friend Kendall up Providence Canyon. That's actually just right up the street from Nate's place. It was a BLAST!!! SO MUCH FUN! The mountains were so pretty with all of the snow on the trees. Plus it was nice to hangout with Nate WITHOUT kids!! Kendall was off most of the time doing dangerous, crazy stuff on his sled.





I know Christmas was a really long time ago, but I thought I would post a few pictures of our fun time! We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at home. It was so quiet because everybody was in California. We were a little bit sad but enjoyed the quaintness of the holiday. I was REALLY bummed to not have Nate and the kids there but the day after Christmas we got to go to PHX where Nate's brother Ryun and sister, Angie and her family live. It was a blast! Eliza was glad to be back with Kaya and Aivery and enjoyed her time with the multitude of kids.We went to the zoo and to the park and bummed around the house. It was so much fun! I loved being with the Lambson family as well. Such FUN people!! After PHX we headed to California. We had a little Christmas with our family down there and then my neice Madi turned 8 so she got baptized!! It was an eventful Christmas! I loved every minute of it. Oh yeah! And when we were in California, I became obsessed with the WII. I want one, but I think I might never get anything else accomplished except to improve my score on the "Dancing with the Stars" game anyway. HAHA! Why Mom WHY did you bless me with such horrible rhythm??? AHHHH!! Here's a fun slideshow of our busy Christmas holiday:

Friday, January 23, 2009


I was looking at a blog called Le Love today (thank you Azy for referring people to it...) and I found this quote that I LOVE LOVE LOVE! I know, its a little bit cheesy and for those of you who know me, know that "cheesy" bugs me...but I truly think this one is such an amazing explaination of what LOVE really is. So I put the quote as my title quote on my blog. It says: "Love is a friendship set on fire". Isn't that so true??

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

We ARE alive...PROMISE!!

I promise that we still exist! Life has been so crazy busy. The holidays were insane with a trip to Arizona and from there a trip to California, when I got home I went to Logan to be with Nate and the kids (I missed them when I was in CA) and then...SCHOOL!! Its AGAIN taken over all of my free time. GEEZ! HAHA! I promise one of these days I will post pictures, maybe tomorrow...who knows! Hope all is well with everyone!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Lazy New Years Day Tag

I am: a mom, daughter, sister, friend
I think: life can be crazy stressful
I know: that I can love
I want: the people I love to be happy
I have: the best life
I dislike: confrontation
I miss: Nate, Kaya and Aivery :(
I fear: losing someone that I love
I feel: very happy
I hear: my family laughing
I smell: black eyed peas
I crave: Cadbury Flake candy bars...YUMMY!
I usually: try to make the best out of every siuation
I cry: not very often
I search: for continual happiness
I wonder: if Eliza is having fun with her daddy
I regret: some of my choices
I wish: the people I love can be happy forever
I love: so many people
I care: about so many things, its hard to keep track sometimes...
I always: want to do whats right
I worry: way too much!!!
I am not: at my best, physically
I remember: that the day Eliza was born was the best day ever!
I believe: that without the gospel I would be in a lot of trouble
I sing: just like Celine Dion...HAHA!
I argue: with Nate, but I never win :( How is that fair??
I write: pretty good papers for school
I win: NEVER!!
I lose: at least one pair of socks everytime I wash clothes.
I don't understand: the way people think sometimes.
I can usually be found: at school or in Logan
I need: to lose some weight
I forget: life before Eliza
I am happy: with the way my life is going.
I tag: Mollie Salazar, Karly Cahoon, Melissa Leavitt, Tifany Bell