Thursday, January 1, 2009

A Lazy New Years Day Tag

I am: a mom, daughter, sister, friend
I think: life can be crazy stressful
I know: that I can love
I want: the people I love to be happy
I have: the best life
I dislike: confrontation
I miss: Nate, Kaya and Aivery :(
I fear: losing someone that I love
I feel: very happy
I hear: my family laughing
I smell: black eyed peas
I crave: Cadbury Flake candy bars...YUMMY!
I usually: try to make the best out of every siuation
I cry: not very often
I search: for continual happiness
I wonder: if Eliza is having fun with her daddy
I regret: some of my choices
I wish: the people I love can be happy forever
I love: so many people
I care: about so many things, its hard to keep track sometimes...
I always: want to do whats right
I worry: way too much!!!
I am not: at my best, physically
I remember: that the day Eliza was born was the best day ever!
I believe: that without the gospel I would be in a lot of trouble
I sing: just like Celine Dion...HAHA!
I argue: with Nate, but I never win :( How is that fair??
I write: pretty good papers for school
I win: NEVER!!
I lose: at least one pair of socks everytime I wash clothes.
I don't understand: the way people think sometimes.
I can usually be found: at school or in Logan
I need: to lose some weight
I forget: life before Eliza
I am happy: with the way my life is going.
I tag: Mollie Salazar, Karly Cahoon, Melissa Leavitt, Tifany Bell