Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm Getting Married!!! (oh! and I got a new car)

For all those who know me or keep up with my blog know that that I have been dating this really awesome guy, Nate, for about 5 months now. Things have been amazing! Better than I ever thought a relationship could be really. I got pretty lucky, I will have to admit! Every second we are together, even with our kids, is so much fun! There's always so much to talk and laugh about. Our kids keep us super busy; there is never a dull, thats for sure. Well...maybe there are a few "dull moments" but let me tell ya, we live for those moments when there's nothing to do. HAHA! So, last night, it was official and now we're engaged! Nate surprised me with this awesome Yukon we'd been looking at. I was shocked because he had just told me that day that it had been sold...sneaky he had the kids in the car, all holding signs that spelled out "will you marry me?" SO CUTE?? I mean, I couldn't have said no even if I wanted to. HAHA! Which I never woulda said no. So, thats that! We're getting married on March 6th and then Eliza and I will be moving to Logan, UT to start our new little family! HOORAY!!! Here's a picture of what my car looks like, except mine's a dark gray! Love it!

OH! By the way! Just a quick "thank you" to Phatty...we love you and thanks for helping Nate and I get together! You're the BEST! We owe ya one!!


Mollie said...

Good thing you have the best wedding photographer in the world in the fam :)

Davenport Family said...

I know I already told you this, but we are so excited for you! I hope to meet Nate soon! Wish we could be out there for the wedding:( We are making a short (3 day trip) out the last week in Feb, my parents will be out there so we decided to go out since they only get to see Kimmie twice a year. I wish we could see you, but I doubt my mom will let me sneak away at all. Congrats again & I love the new car too!!!

Lisa R.D. said...

Can I say it again? Congratulations! I really am so happy for you guys. That was a clever way to ask too--and you got a new car out of it? Great bonus!

Kati said...

Congratulations...that is so exciting!

Hipple Family said...

Congrats!! We are in Utah until March 11th, so let us know about the wedding so we can see you!!!

Stacie and Darren said...

Congratulations!!!. Sooo cute the way he asked you. One day I want to meet the boy. I am so excited for you guys. And the car is way cool too. :)

Karly said...

I know I already called, but I just have to say CONGRATS again!! I am SO SO SO happy for you. I have yet to meet Nate, but hearing about him from you seems like he's perfect for you. I love the little family you guys make and can't wait for your wedding. I really hope we can make it to Utah. And that is the CUTEST way to ask you to marry him. I love the kids holding the signs. LOVE IT!

Karly said...

I know I already called, but I just have to say CONGRATS again!! I am SO SO SO happy for you. I have yet to meet Nate, but hearing about him from you seems like he's perfect for you. I love the little family you guys make and can't wait for your wedding. I really hope we can make it to Utah. And that is the CUTEST way to ask you to marry him. I love the kids holding the signs. LOVE IT!

Unknown said...

Congrats!! Home girl...I am very excited for you and love the car....make sure you keep in touch...cya

Kira said...

Congratulations on the engagement (and the car!) I am really excited for you guys!

Megan said...

Hurray!!! And you look smokin' in that new car!

ryan + carly said...

congrats waula! and on your new car. we are happy you are doing good. and little lizee as jude says...we got in my mom's car the other day and he said, "where's lizee?"

Jordan said...

It's been awhile since I've checked your blog and look what I've missed! Hooray, deserve the very best!

BusyMama said...

I am so stinking excited for you, Laura!! I told your mom a while ago that you would go fast, and look what happened! I just wish I was still around so that I could be there with you. Eliza's going to make one cute flower girl. :)

Heather said...

Congratulations! Nate is a really good friend of my husband, Travis'. Nate gave me your blog so I could see pictures of the kids. We are really excited for you both and are so happy he found someone. Nate really is a great guy and we look forward to getting to know you. Maybe you can convince him to come visit more often. :)

Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

Congrats! You sound so excited and you even got a new car! Even better!

Patricia Costello said...

Hi Laura!
I hope you don't mind, I found your blog through some ward friends and I was so excited to read your big news!!! You are such a sweetheart, you deserve the very best and it sounds like you have it!

Amy said...

I've been checking your blog sporadically and had a feeling this post was coming. Congrats! Steve and I are very happy for you. :)

Rachel said...

Congratulations and good luck!!!

DIY REDS! said...

i am so happy for you. i wish you the best. have fun planning and enjoying getting to know your new little ones. that will be fun for eliza.

Michelle, Jack, Charlie, and Nick! said...

I am so happy for you! You look so happy!