Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It's Nate's birthday tomorrow, the 25th. I know I'm not gonna have time to blog tomorrow so I thought I would now, while I have a second. Nate is turning 32!!! WHAT AN OLD MAN!!! Funny how he looks younger than ME! We are going to have a very fun evening. Not sure what we're gonna do. Probably go to dinner and get a Red Box movie to watch after Eliza goes to bed (Kaya and Aivery will be with their mom). We will probably be asleep before we can press PLAY. These days we don't do well with watching movies at night. Obviously we have BUSY lives!!!


Monday, February 16, 2009

PRE-Engagement Pictures

OK! So Mollie is actually going to be taking our engagement pictures when she gets here a couple of days before the wedding, but we needed a picture to send out in the announcements. So, we had Nate's friend's wife, Camille shoot some pictures of us. She is such a sweet girl and she takes really awesome pictures! Here are some of my favorites!!

From a lot of the pictures you can probably tell that we had a really good time! Nate and I were laughing at each other most of the time. HAHA! Poor Camille! She was so patient. Posing for pictures is such an awkward thing for me. Thank you Todd and Camille for taking time away from your new, sweet little baby to help us out! The pictures turned out GREAT!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!


Well, it's 11:30pm and I am so very tired. But, I thought that I would blog a little bit about our weekend. Of course we were in Logan. I got to take care of the kids on Thursday and Friday. Kaya had his pre school Valentine's Day party. He was so excited to hand out his candy and valentines to everyone in the class. The rest of the weekend we went sledding (pictures to come), organized and Nate and I went on an afternoon date. I'm gonna have to say, I enjoy evening dates more because then we come home to our kids SLEEPING!!! HAHA!

This is an old picture of Nate and me but I just got it from his phone this wk end and it is one of my favorites so I wanted to post it in my Valentine post. This was the BEST Valenetine's Day EVER!! I'm not to mushy, cheesy, over-the-top kinda gal when it comes to love. In fact, it's a good thing Nate gets me cuz I'm not very good at expressing how I feel. But I really have to say (keeping my pride in tact...HAHA!) that I think I am the luckiest girl ever! Nate treats me like I've always wanted to be treated. I know he loves me and I know he loves Eliza as well. We make a great team! He doesn't let me get away with anything I shouldn't get away with which can be frustrating but we just laugh about it most of the time! I would rather be with him and our kids than anyone else. When I am doing something, anything, I want him there. I feel blessed to be able to be marrying such an amazing man! I'm excited to have the little family (OK! So its not little...we're actually outnumbered which is scary!) that we will have and the life that we are going to be able to live. What a cute Valentine I had and get to HAVE forever! I LOVE YOU NATE!!

...That wasn't too mushy right? HAHA!

Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Seriously!!! This is the funniest thing I've seen in a LOOOONG time! Watch and ENJOY!


This weekend while I was in Logan, Nate and I went to a Utah State University basketball game. It was quite an experience, let me tell ya! HAHA! I've never seen such devoted fans! The game was really good too, but watching how "in sync" the entire forum was, was hilarious!!! They were pretty mean to the opposing team (Louisiana Tech). I told Nate that I wouldn't be surprised if one of those players decked the guys that were screaming "YOU SUCK!!" at them! I was laughing the whole time! For those of you that know me pretty well, you know I'm not a HUGE sports fan...but I loved this game!! I told Nate whenever we could get free tickets then I would for sure love to go!

We had a really fun weekend! Eliza was with her dad (I missed her so so so much) so that was a bummer, but we had a ton of fun with Kaya and Aivery. If any of you are ever in Logan, be sure and eat at Fredericos!!! SO YUMMY! Their pizza is delicious!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Is this not the cutest thing?? I got it today to be the header of my "family picture wall" in my house. I just need to reitterate the my house part!! I get to have an amazing husband, a new little family added to my existing tiny family AND a house to decorate (little by little) and make my very own!!!! I'm so excited! How did I get so lucky?? But really...what do you all think of this cute thing I bought? I LOVE IT!!!