Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Most Addictive Game EVER!

OK! I'm not really all that into computer games. Call me crazy, but staring at a computer for hours tends to give me a headache. So, I was just skimming through some blogs tonight and I found this one post that mentioned this game. I don't know why I clicked on it knowing it was addicting to her, but I did and now I can't stop playing it! If you guys have an addictive personality like I do, don't try this. But maybe do, because its so much fun. Its called Bloxorz. Good luck! Let me know what you think =)


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Color Code...I'M BLUE!!

OK! This is so much fun! For one of my classes I have to read this book called "The People Code" by Dr. Taylor Hartman. My class is called Student Success and it helps to get one acquainted with oneself so that you can be a good student. So, I had to take the Color Code test. I was a little bit skeptical about this, because REALLY! How well can a stupid survey tell who you really are. Let me tell you folks, after I read what it said, I was BLOWN away! It said that I am BLUE. So here is what the Color Code says about BLUE personalities. SCARY! Oh and P.S. You can't fake this, I promise!

Congratulations. You are BLUE.

BLUES are motivated by INTIMACY. They seek to genuinely connect with others, and need to be understood and appreciated. Everything they do is quality-based. They are loyal friends, employers, and employees. Whatever or whomever they commit to is their sole (and soul) focus. They love to serve and give themselves freely in order to nurture others' lives.
BLUES have distinct preferences and have the most controlling personality. Their personal code of ethics is remarkably strong and they expect others to live honest, committed lives as well. They enjoy meaningful moments in conversation as well as paying close attention to special life events (e.g. birthdays and anniversaries). BLUES are dependable, thoughtful, and analytical; but can also be self-righteous, worry-prone, and moody. They are "sainted pit-bulls" who never let go of something or someone, once they are committed. When you deal with a BLUE, be sincere and make a genuine effort to understand and appreciate them.

So I love this whole concept of the Color Code. I think everyone should hop onto and test it out. I want to hear about what you guys think. But as for me, I'm firm in my belief =). Also, read "The People Code" by Dr. Taylor Hartman. So far, I really enjoy it and at this point in my life, its really nice to figure out who I am. I can't wait to hear from you guys!!


Monday, January 28, 2008


President Hickley was the prophet of my growing up years. He was such an amazing example to me and to my family. I am very sad that my daughter will not know him, but I will be sure to teach her the principles that I have learned from him. He will be missed but always remembered.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Eliza is 7 Months Old & My New Hair Cut

Hey Everyone! So today Eliza is 7 months old. I truly cannot believe that she is already getting so big. She has such a cute little personality. She's started jiber jabbering in the last few days. It is so stinking cute! Last night she looked at me and goes, "Mamamama." I almost cried! I'm sure she didn't mean to refer to me as Mama, but I would like to think my child is a genious and can speak at 7 months old :). I love how when I come home from school she is so excited to see me. It makes my heart so happy! I miss being able to be with her all day, every day, but she loves being with her Grammy and Papa and on Tuesdays she gets to spend time with her Mamaw and some other members of her dad's family. On Thursdays she loves to go see my friend Lisa for a few hours when I am in school. She is just really blessed that she has so many people in her life that love her.

OK! So the day before yesterday I went to my hair girl with the intention of trimming my hair and having her fix how blonde my hair was. My hair, you can see in the previous posts, was so blonde. My hair has gone so dark since I've had Eliza, so I just don't think I can pull off the REALLY blonde thing anymore. So, she was fxing the color and I said, "Lauren, I want to CUT my hair." I'd been thinking about it for a while, but I had to make sure I wasn't just cutting it because I'm a "mom" now. So, we cut it! And I think I like it. It's going to take a little while to get used to because my hair has been so long, FOR so long, but I think I'm going to like it. So, here's a picture:

YIKES! I can't believe I cut it so short! Anyways...hope all is well with everyone. For those of you who have blogs, I love reading them! Talk to you all soon!


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Eliza's Dancing Video, Her New Dolly and a Very Cute Dress!!

Hello Everyone! I just thought I would post a cute little video of Eliza. She LOVES her exersaucer that her Grammy and Papa gave to her for Christmas. But unfortunantly, I don't know how to do that. It is so cute, when she hear's the music she gets so excited and starts dancing. She's also started this new screaming thing, that you would hear in the video too, if I knew how to post it. If I can figure it out I will put another post up. HAHA! Just recently when she's happy, sad or even just content she will scream. Its really funny until it happens in the middle of church. And ya can't expect a 7 month old baby to understand "HUSH!"

My sister and her family sent Eliza a little gift package. It had a couple new outfits in it and the adorable little doll that you see in the picture above. She was so happy to have it! She grabbed it (yes! Eliza GRABS, she doesn't just TAKE something, is that a bad thing? Should I be doing something about that? HAHA!)

How cute is that dress?! I got it for her for Christmas and I thought it was too big, but I put it on her for church on Sunday and it was a perfect fit! Hopefully she doesn't grow too fast and then not be able to wear it a couple of times. I'm not sure if I told you this in my last post (I guess I could look), but I took Eliza for her shots a couple of weeks ago. She did great! She had a fever the first day, but after that she was her happy little self. She's a tiny thing too. She weighed 14 1/2 pounds! I'm not sure her length, I was just shocked that she was so little. I was for sure she had to be bigger than that. But, the doctor said he's not worried. Neither her dad or I are big, tall people, so he said she is just perfect. As a mom, its always nice to here that your child is doing well, and that you're doing a good job caring for them.

Our dog Phoebe has started to feel free to take over the house. Man! She is demanding! But man is she cute! She's in heat right now, so she seems to be a little bit mopey around the house. She thinks she is mistress of the house if you ask me. She gets on the couches and just lays there and sleeps, knowing that it isn't allowed, but her attitude is "Ya know! I don't really care." Funny how dogs can portray that emotion in their body language. She's a sweet little thing, isn't she!

So, Mollie and I went to the Sundance Film Festival up in Park City on Saturday night. While we were there, we met Dr. Patrick Drake from General Hospital. If any of you watch that show (yes I know its a soap opera and its a waste of time, blah blah blah) you know that he is one GOOD LOOKING guy! To top that, he was so nice! His name is Jason Thompson. All in all, Mollie and I had a really good time walking up Main Street looking for some famous faces. Its a rarity that I get to go out and do stuff like this, so when I do, its such a blast!

Anyways...Hope everything is good with everyone else! Take Care!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Long Time No Blogging...

Hello Everyone! I have slacked on the blogging thing lately, sorry to disappoint anyone. I've just been so crazy busy with starting school and everything, our blog has fallen to the bottom of my list. My friend from Florida was out here for Christmas with her family. She just happens to have a little boy that is only one month older than Eliza so we got together for lunch and so that the two of them could entertain eachother. Eliza wasn't exactly sure what to do with him, but he has 4 older siblings so he wanted to play. It was so nice to see Jessie and her family. I miss them so much!

Eliza is almost 7 MONTHS OLD!!! It really has gone so fast. After Christmas we decided it was time for her to have her very own room. So, we packed up our stuff from downstairs in the basement and moved upstairs. I have MY very own room too! Eliza is totally mesmerized by the ceiling fan in her room. She will almost fall over while she's sitting up so that she can study this new thing she has found. Its so cute!

The other night I was bathing Eliza. Baths are not her favorite, so much. But she was doing so good, so I thought I would get the camera and take pictures. Well, things went south and FAST! She reached for her toy and went face first into the water. I threw the camera down and got her out. Needless to say, that bathing session didn't go very well. Here's a picture before the spill:

And after:

Some sad brother and Rhonda are not getting married anymore. I KNOW! SAD! But everything is good, Phil is adjusting really well. Other than that, all that's been going on is SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL! I cannot believe the amount of work 4 classes generates. I thought this would be an easy semester. For others it might be, but time management has never been one of my strong points and man am I learning that concept quickly.

Mollie and I are having a sisters' weekend, this weekend. Carlos is going on a business trip, so we are hanging out. Friday night is gym night and Saturday night we are going to Park City to the Sundance Film Festival. It will be lots of fun! I'm sure that I will have pictures. Hope all is well with you and your family! Here are some cute pictures of Eliza:


Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Eliza's 1st Christmas, New Years & School is Starting!

Hello Everybody! Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! I know that we did. Christmas Eve was great! Eliza got to spend time with her dad during the day and I got to finish Christmas shopping. Next year, I am making it a point to be DONE shopping by two weeks before the big day. It's just too stressful to be doing last minute stuff so...last minute. I'm sure that you all know how that feels. If not, good for you! What is your secret? In the evening on Christmas Eve we had the family over to have ham and potatoes and later opened a few presents and read the annual Christmas book my parents always give. It was a great book! It was called CHRISTMAS DAY IN THE MORNING by Pearl S. Buck. Eliza and I got cute Christmas Eve jammies.

On Christmas morning Eliza got to go spend time with John and the rest of the Capuas. After seeing pictures, I can tell that she enjoyed the time with them opening presents. She came back in the afternoon to open presents with me and my family. John stuck around and helped Eliza open her presents from Santa and me. She got some great stuff! Man! Babies have all the luck! Christmas Day was also Eliza's 6 month birthday. I cannot believe my baby is already a 1/2 a year old! It makes me kind of sad, but excited about how she's growing. In the evening a few of us in the family went and saw the second National Treasure movie. Rhonda stayed behind and watched Eliza. That was so nice! All in all, Eliza's 1st Christmas was so much fun!

Our New Years celebrations were not quite as eventful as our Christmas festivities. My mom and dad went to California to visit my sister and her family and I chose to stay home to spend some time with Eliza before I start school. School starts for me tomorrow. I'm going into Elementary Education. I'm kind of scared, but mostly excited! Anyways...that's all for us! I would love to hear how your holidays went.

OH! Here are some cute pictures John took of Eliza while he was here. ENJOY!