Wednesday, December 24, 2008


On Saturday we got to go sledding up in Logan. It was so much fun! Aivery was a little bit sick so she wasn't as excited as Kaya and Eliza. Kaya LOVED his new sled. Eliza never wanted to get off the one she was riding. No body would share with me until I pitched a fit (just kidding!). Nate was being the grown up of the group. HAHA! It was snowing and we loved every minute of it!! I'm starting to really love the snow. For those of you who know me well, you know thats odd! Maybe its the people I get to be with in the snow that makes it worthwhile. Probably thats the reason ;)!!!!

Silly Eliza

The other night after Eliza's bath she wanted to get into one of the drawers. She proceeded to take my little rollers and stick them all over her hair. It was so funny because I could tell she knew exactly what she was doing. I thought it was hilarious, but she just acted like it was a normal part of her "going to bed" routine. Obviously during finals I was not home much to see this. What a silly baby!

I'm Sorry I'm so Behind!!!

A couple of weeks ago Nate and his kids came down to Orem. We had a great time! Friday afternoon we watched Christmas movies, my dad decorated cookies with them and when Nate finished work and got down from Logan, we went and looked at this park that had really cool Christmas lights. The kids thouroughly enjoyed themselves. Aivery slept through the Christmas lights, poor baby! She was so sleepy!

Saturday afternoon Eliza went with her dad and Kaya and Aivery went with their mom, Nate and I got to go on a date. I know this sounds a little twisted, but I'm gonna have to say that passing our kids off to their other respective parents and being able to go be ALONE - with NO kids, is quite a treat! Nate and I went to Salt Lake City, ate at the Nauvoo Cafe (YUM!) and then went to see the Joseph Smith movie. My friend Sage and her boyfriend came and met us. It was such an awesome movie. It made me appreciate so much more the sacrifices that were made so that this complete gospel could be restored! I am so grateful for that! All of the blessings in my life have been because of the faithfulness of Joseph Smith and the early members of the church. Where would I be without the gospel and its teachings? HA! In a lot o' trouble I'm guessin'!

It was a great weekend!

Friday, December 12, 2008


Last weekend we, of course, went to Logan to be with Nate and the kids. We had a really good time! We got to put up the Christmas tree and play with friends. Eliza got to go be with her dad from Sunday until Tuesday. On Saturday night, Nate and I had the chance to go on a date. Something that is very rare, so we appreciate those few hours of alone time so much! I always look forward to my weekends in Logan with Nate and the kids. This weekend they get to come down here. So FUN!!!!!

Aivery and Eliza were all bundled up to go look for a Christmas tree. It just so happened to be FREEZING cold on Friday night so I didn't want the little girlies to get cold. Aren't their hats so CUTE!!!

Aivery is the only kid that would stand in front of the tree...we went a little too late to have every single kid in a cooperative mood! HAHA!

Saturday morning, Nate was wrestling with Kaya and Aivery. Eliza thought it looked like fun so she joined in...

Eliza kept pulling on the lights and the ribbon. The tree wasn't super sturdy yet. I kept telling her not to do that, but, she's only 17months old so she didn't really understand. Nate caught me on camera scolding her...NICE! All 3 kids got in trouble one time or another during the Christmas tree process.

As you can see, getting the Christmas tree was quite the process...with 3 kids running around, the fits, stops for lunch and naps - including a nap for Nate and me - naturally, it was a little bit difficult to get it done all at once. But, we enjoyed it all the same. The kids were very excited to be able to help decorate it!

It was a great weekend! Hope everybody has a beautiful Christmas tree like this one!


A month or so ago I went to my friends' snowmobiling movie premier. It just so happens that Nate is one of the riders in the movie so that made my viewing experience even better! I was very proud of all my friends! Nate didn't get to go, I was so bummed! The joys of being a parent, I suppose. If any of you might be interested in watching an awesome movie full of skill and adrenaline, go to Boondockers website and check out what they have.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008


I did a Thanksgiving blog post but I think I better do a blog about what I am thankful for. I've been thinking about this alot lately. I think that it is always beneficial to reflect on what is important in your life when things get hard. And TRUST ME! Last week was hard! So here it goes:

1. Being a mom - #1 blessing ever!
2. My family
3. The gospel
4. Nate and his 2 little ones
5. My education
6. The scriptures
7. The prophet
8. Having a place to live
9. Having people around that I love
10. Having people around who love me
11. Havig the means necessary to live
12. Transportation
13. Photography
14. Blogs
15. Friends
16. Eliza's cute little expressions
17. Chocolate
18. Doctors
19. Medicine (especially when Eliza is sick or teething)
20. The priesthood
21. My covenants
22. The ability I have to realize what is important in my life
23. Internet
24. Showers
25. Massages
26. Cellphones
27. Weekends in Logan
28. My testimony
29. My epidural when I had Eliza
30. Being able to stay home with Eliza
31. Prayer
32. Computers
33. Eternal families
34. Our country (even tho its getting a little bit scary)
35. Disneyland
36. My parents helpfulness
37. Ceiling fans (get it Nate??)
38. My past experiences, good and bad
39. Personal drive
40. Clothes (even tho I never go shopping anymore)
41. Vacations
42. Alone time with Nate (very rare)
43. Hugs and kisses from Eliza
44. Christmas time
45. The beach
46. Cuddling
47. Hot tubs ;)
48. Facebook
49. Frozen chocolate pie (YUM)
50. 2nd chances
51. Forgiveness
52. YUMMY food
53. Clean diapers
54. Bedtime
55. MY bed - so comfy!
56. TV (when i get time to watch it)
57. Good shampoo
58. Waxed eyebrows
59. Getting my hair done
60. Relaxing
61. Being with my family
62. Being with my friends
63. Nice weather
64. Beach
65. Rain
66. Laying on the couch reading a book listening to the rain
67. Having a reason to have hope
68. Eliza's sweet spirit
69. A clean house
70. A clean bathroom
71. Clean sheets
72. The gym (even tho I very rarely go)
73. Christmas cards
74. Good restaurant service
75. Diet Coke
76. Diet Pepsi
77. Being wanted and needed
78. Movies
79. People Magazine
80. Fast food (I KNOW! BAD!)
81. Trashy TV
82. Nordstrom
83. DVR
84. Ghost Hunters
85. Twilight book series
86. Remotes
87. The ability to forgive
88. Sensitivity
89. The temple
90. Dates with Nate
91. Garbage disposals
92. Dishwashers
93. Vacuums
94. My laptop
95. My camera
96. Open mindedness
97. Vicotria's Secret pear lotion (YUMMY SMELL!)
98. Super Nanny
99. Eliza's smile
100. Being able to be pregnant (even though I hated being sick!!)

WOW! 100 things I'm thankful for! There's so many other things I'm thankful for...these are just a few!

Monday, December 1, 2008


The day after Thanksgiving we all went to the beach. Nate, Eliza and I went down before everyone and drove along Pacific Coast Highway. Beautiful! We stopped along the way in Laguna and played on the beach a bit. Eliza LOVED it!!! It was a fabulous day to walk along the beach. Miss Eliza ran towards the ocean, chased birds and fell face first into the sand. It was lovely, but it didn't seem to phase her much.

Later on we made our way to meet my family in Newport Beach. We ate at Ruby's Diner. A family favorite. The sunset was gorgeous! My parents were nice enough to take Eliza home for us so Nate and I got to hang out on the beach. So relaxing! What a fun day!

Eliza got to hang out with her dad on Saturday. Nate was very impressed with the beach on Friday so I decided it might be fun to take him to Malibu. We found this really pretty, virtually empty beach and hung out there for a bit and then headed back to Carrie Beth's house for some pizza.

This was truly the most relaxing vacation I have had in a very long time! I loved being with my whole family for Thanksgiving and having Nate there was the best! I hope everybody else's Thanksgivings were as awesome as ours!!

NEXT UP: December- McAllister Birthday Month!!!


After the pictures we moved the party over to Carrie Beth and Jay's house. It was such a yummy meal! No stuffing...BOO! But altogether, the best Thanksgiving meal I have ever had. I have to tell the funniest story ever at Carlos' expense. HAHA! First, a little background. Carlos is from Mexico so they don't really celebrate Thanksgiving there. A couple of years ago before he and Mollie were married we were in California for Thanksgiving. Carrie Beth made deviled eggs for the meal (YUM!). Carlos asked what they were and we told him. Later in the meal he asked us to pass the "evil eggs." We laughed so hard! It's a good thing he has a good sense of humor. Well, this Thanksgiving we were all talking about how we all hated sweet potato casserole except mom and dad. A few minutes later I heard Carlos say to Mollie, "I really like the dessert. Its really good!" Mollie looked at him and goes, "Baby, those are sweet potatoes. Not the dessert." HAHA! I could not help but bust out laughing. Carlos being the great guy that he is and knowing we weren't making fun, laughed with us. It was so funny! He will never live that down! WE LOVE YOU CARLOS!!!

After dinner Eliza's dad came and picked her up so that my family and I could go see the movie 4 Christmases. That was such a funny movie. Everyone should see it! It was a little bit foul in parts but I really enjoyed it! Thanksgiving Day was so much fun! I love being with my family and having Nate there was the best! We did miss Kaya and Aivery! It would have been perfect had they been able to come!

Family Pictures

My whole family plus Nate went down to California for Thanksgiving. Nate's kids were with their mom so they didn't get to come :( Nate and I headed down Wednesday night after he finished working and met up with the fam at Mollie and Carlos' house. Thanksgiving Day we thought it would be a great time to get family pictures. We haven't had one of those in years because the family keeps changing. So, before dinner, we went to a really pretty park in Redlands and took pictures. It was a lot less painful then previous family picture sessions. Nate was nice enough to snap the photos. Here are a few fun ones:

Mollie does such a great job!!! I know I've said that time and time again, but she's awesome! We are blessed to have such an amazing photographer in our family. Nate did a GREAT job too! HAHA!

Catching up....

Oh WOW! I have been the worst blogger ever this last couple of weeks. Life has been super busy! Last weekend we went and had a great weekend in Logan. Nate and I got to go on a mini date on Friday night. Its always nice to escape from parenthood even for a couple of hours. HAHA!

Saturday night the kids wanted to watch some fireworks go off. They had so much fun! Eliza wasn't TOO sure about the whole operation, but she warmed up to them towards the end. I will have to admit, I enjoyed watching the fireworks go off and seeing the kids reactions were priceless!

Later Saturday night, Nate made some yummy peach cobbler. The best I've ever tasted actually. He brought me a rose too! SO NICE! I haven't gotten flowers in a really long time!

We have so much fun when we get to go up to Logan! Eliza likes playing with the kids. She really shows her true colors when she can play with other little ones. So, thats what we've been up to....