Friday, December 12, 2008


Last weekend we, of course, went to Logan to be with Nate and the kids. We had a really good time! We got to put up the Christmas tree and play with friends. Eliza got to go be with her dad from Sunday until Tuesday. On Saturday night, Nate and I had the chance to go on a date. Something that is very rare, so we appreciate those few hours of alone time so much! I always look forward to my weekends in Logan with Nate and the kids. This weekend they get to come down here. So FUN!!!!!

Aivery and Eliza were all bundled up to go look for a Christmas tree. It just so happened to be FREEZING cold on Friday night so I didn't want the little girlies to get cold. Aren't their hats so CUTE!!!

Aivery is the only kid that would stand in front of the tree...we went a little too late to have every single kid in a cooperative mood! HAHA!

Saturday morning, Nate was wrestling with Kaya and Aivery. Eliza thought it looked like fun so she joined in...

Eliza kept pulling on the lights and the ribbon. The tree wasn't super sturdy yet. I kept telling her not to do that, but, she's only 17months old so she didn't really understand. Nate caught me on camera scolding her...NICE! All 3 kids got in trouble one time or another during the Christmas tree process.

As you can see, getting the Christmas tree was quite the process...with 3 kids running around, the fits, stops for lunch and naps - including a nap for Nate and me - naturally, it was a little bit difficult to get it done all at once. But, we enjoyed it all the same. The kids were very excited to be able to help decorate it!

It was a great weekend! Hope everybody has a beautiful Christmas tree like this one!


Karly said...

Cute post. I can't imagine what it would be like to put a tree up with 3 little ones! Kudos to you two!
PS. Bad news! We aren't coming up for Christmas anymore. We are staying in Cali....we're both sad. So the next time you guys come down let me know.

Sorensens said...

Pretty tree, I love Christmas trees and decorations.
Eliza is so cute, in all her pictures she reminds me of my Presley and how they are into everything-it must be the age.