Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I'm Sorry I'm so Behind!!!

A couple of weeks ago Nate and his kids came down to Orem. We had a great time! Friday afternoon we watched Christmas movies, my dad decorated cookies with them and when Nate finished work and got down from Logan, we went and looked at this park that had really cool Christmas lights. The kids thouroughly enjoyed themselves. Aivery slept through the Christmas lights, poor baby! She was so sleepy!

Saturday afternoon Eliza went with her dad and Kaya and Aivery went with their mom, Nate and I got to go on a date. I know this sounds a little twisted, but I'm gonna have to say that passing our kids off to their other respective parents and being able to go be ALONE - with NO kids, is quite a treat! Nate and I went to Salt Lake City, ate at the Nauvoo Cafe (YUM!) and then went to see the Joseph Smith movie. My friend Sage and her boyfriend came and met us. It was such an awesome movie. It made me appreciate so much more the sacrifices that were made so that this complete gospel could be restored! I am so grateful for that! All of the blessings in my life have been because of the faithfulness of Joseph Smith and the early members of the church. Where would I be without the gospel and its teachings? HA! In a lot o' trouble I'm guessin'!

It was a great weekend!