Friday, February 29, 2008

Eliza is 8 Months Old

I cannot believe that Eliza is already 8 months old! Time has just flown by. She turned 8 months on the 25th of this month. She has decided that sitting and playing with her toys is no longer enjoyable for long periods of time, so she now tries to get on her hands and knees, only to end up on her tummy. But she is getting there. Pretty soon I will have a crawling baby. I can't believe it!! She's also started saying a couple of words. She loves playing patty cake. The other day she was in the middle of playing that game and she goes, "Cake Cake." It was so sweet! Then last night she wanted my keys, so she reached for them and said "Keys." She's only 8 months old! How is she already saying words? Did anybody else's kids talk so early? Or is mine a genious? Just kidding! The picture above is of Eliza in the bath. She loves her bath now! She struggled with it for awhile, but now she enjoys it. She could be totally cranky and if we put her in the bath, its like she's the happiest baby alive. Its amazing! She's started wanting to drink out of the cup we use to wash her hair. Its so cute! Anyways...other than that, there's not much going on. I'm just working hard in school and having fun watching Eliza grow. Hope all is well with everyone! We would love to hear from you!


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bed Head, Homework & Mommy's Bed

Is this picture not to die for? When Eliza sleeps, she scoots herself all the way to the corner of her crib. She moves her head around all night long and so in the morning, she has this crazy bed head that contains knots. I do not know how she does it, but it is crazy! I have to use a fine tooth comb every morning and combs her knots out. Needless to say, its not her favorite thing in the world, but she can't just wander around with corn rows =)!

Last night Eliza wanted to sit on my bed where all my school work was. So I sat her down in the midst of my mess and she pulled my folder onto her lap right away and began looking thru it. It was so cute! Had she been older, I would have thought she was actually reading the stuff. I sure wish she was able to help me with homework. HAHA!

Now this is the most precious picture ever! I was up really late last night and so when Eliza woke up at 7:30 this morning I was anything but enthused. So, my mom brought her into my bed with a bottle. She didn't want the whole thing, so I put it on the night stand and turned over on my side to rest my eyes. It was so sweet, she reached over, put her arm around my neck and went back sleep herself. Oh my gosh! It melted my heart! So when I got up, I had to take a picture of how adorable she is. Notice how she has taken over my bed...

I just wanted to show you all how cute my little girl is. Hope all is well with everyone! Take Care!


Friday, February 15, 2008


HELLO! Hope everybody had a fantastic Valentine's Day. We just did the normal thing for a week day. Eliza went to my friend Lisa's house while I was at school, and then to he Mamaw's house while I went to an appointment. So, she made her rounds yesterday. Lisa took this adorable picture of her. Isn't it so sweet! My sister Carrie Beth bought Eliza this shirt and called many times yesterday to make sure she was wearing it. DEMANDING! HAHA! Just kidding! It looked so cute on her. Other than that, we ate a yummy dinner at home and had Valentine cookies. It was wonderful! No waiting for hours at restaurants or sitting in the front row of a movie theater. It was great! Hope you all had a great day!


Wednesday, February 13, 2008



“I will send a handmade gift to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this Pay It Forward (PIF) exchange. You may not receive it tomorrow or next week, but you will receive it within 365 days, which is my promise! The only thing you have to do in return is pay it forward by making the same promise on your blog.”


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Valentine's Day Pictures

...more to come!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Our FUN week!

Hello Everybody! Hope everyone is doing well. We've had a very busy week this week. I have been crazy busy with school, I had a paper due in one class that really sent me into a whirlwind. I did a lot of research for it. I chose to do it on the different aspects of pain-free childbirth. I thought maybe I would change my mind about being so set on being medicated. I did a lot of studying and I have come to the conclusion, that I REALLY like the whole idea of being medicated and pain-free while delivering a child. No one gets extra brownie point or a star in Heaven for having a baby natural, so I'm not taking the hard road next time =)!

How cute is this picture?! My sister took it when Eliza was sitting on my lap. I think I've said before in our blog, but she loves my computer. So Mollie decided it would be cute to take a picture.

Eliza loves drinking out of glasses. But only when someone else is. So tonight my brother was drinking his water and she wanted it so bad, so he let her have some. It was so funny because she would have her mouth open in anticipation while he brought the cup up to her face. So funny!

She loves to "fly" in the air. Phil was doing that with her tonight and she was just cackling! We sat there for 30 minutes just watching her and laughing at her reactions to things. I love to watch her learn and grow. Its so fun just to lay on the ground with her while she plays and watch her.

I was also super sick this week. I don't usually get sick, but man did I ever! My mom was so nice and took care of Eliza during the night this weekend so that I could sleep. I had to take Nyquil to sleep though because my throat hurt so bad, and I was coughing like crazy! I have to admit though, it was nothing compared to my first 6 months of pregnancy. Anyways...its bath time for Eliza so I'd better head off! TAKE CARE!


Thursday, February 7, 2008

"Actual Me"

Hey Everyone! Here is a new kind of "The Color Code." Try it, its fun!!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

The Movie of My Life!

My friend had this really cool thing on her blog and so I decided to copy her. If my life was a movie, these are the celebrities that I would want to have play my family. Here we go:

If I were to choose someone to play me, I would choose Katherine Heigl from Grey's Anatomy. I know! I know! It's a stretch, but guess what! This is MY movie. I can do whatever I want =)!

To play Eliza, I would choose Suri Cruise. I have always thought they looked kind of similar, so I think it would be way cute!

The actress I would choose to play my mom would be Diane Keaton. I think Diane is such a great comedic actress and so I think she would capture my mom really well. P.S. I had to approve this choice WITH my mom. HAHA!

To play my dad, I have to choose Tom Selleck because he's my mom's Hollywood Crush. So whether he resembles my dad or not, it doesn't matter to my mom. She wants to live vicariously thru this fake movie I have dreamed up.

For my brother Phil, I'm giving him a little bit of an ego boost and having Tim McGraw play his part. HA!

Then there's Mollie. A lot of people say that she looks like Elisabeth Shue, so I think it would only be fitting for her to play Mollie.

For my brother in law Carlos, I chose Enrique Iglesias. Mollie used to be in love with him, so its only fitting, right?

Next is my sister Carrie Beth. I have always thought that Patricia Arquette, so she would be perfect!!

Then there is Jay, Carrie Beth's husband. I chose Tom Hanks because I actually think they look pretty similar.

HA! That was fun! Now you guys go and do it. It will be fun to see who you all choose for your lovely families. Mine just got a whole bunch more attractive.


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Pretty Mommy Shirt, First Tooth (now teeth) & Pigtails

Hello! How is everybody? I just thought I would take some time and post some cute little stories about Eliza. The other day Eliza had a late nap and she had been in her jammies. Her clothes were in the washer, so it was either leave her in her jammies all day or put her in this tacky little outfit that I bought her for Christmas. It was cute at the time that I got it, but I would never have put her in it to go out in public. If you can't see what it says in the picture it says, "If you think I'm pretty, you should see my mommy." HAHA! Its pretty cute! Ironic though seeing that she looks nothing like me. She looks like her dad's family, which really is a GREAT thing! They are very pretty people.
Eliza's first tooth broke through the other day. It was very exciting! She's just getting so big! I know I say that every time I post an update, but at this age, there are so many milestones. And then tonight, she got another tooth right next to the one that broke through the other day. Needless to say, she is miserable. I am really excited that she's gotten teeth, but I wish I could do something to help her be more comfortable. Any advice from you experienced mommies out there. It would be greatly appreciated. I will post pictures of her cute new teeth when she lets me take a picture of them =).
Tonight I got a little bee in my bonnett. Since we were going to dinner with my parents, and Eliza's hair was in disarray I thought I would try something new. So, I put her cute brown locks into pigtails. It looked pretty cute, but a little bit awkward. HAHA! She doesn't quite have enough hair to be doing that kind of style yet. It was fun to take pictures of though. And when I took the pigtails out for the bath, it was so funny! Here are some pictures:
How cute is that!! Anyways...thats about it for us. Hope all is well with all of you. Take Care!