Tuesday, October 28, 2008

MOVIE REVIEW: High School Musical 3

Yes folks! I did it! I went and saw High School Musical 3. I was very excited about this movie. I pretty much KNEW I would enjoy it. Go ahead! Tease if you must! However, I'm gonna have to say I wasn't all that impressed. I knew it would be cheesy, I mean COME ON! Its a movie about high school kids singing their way thru their adolecense. Not realistic! But, this was BAD cheesy! Like, their were a couple of times when I was embarassed for the people in this movie. The whole movie didn't transition well, the acting was horrific and the songs were not quite as good as the 2nd movie (don't judge me for saying that). Altogether, I feel like I should've waited for it to get to the dollar movie or even till it came to the Disney Channel. Eliza enjoyed the movie quite a bit though. She was dancing, laughing and squealing the whole time. She was the most entertaining part of that 2 hours in the theater. In fact, the last song of the movie (LAME!) she wanted to go down to the front of the theater and dance. SO CUTE! She was twirling and running around. She was very proud of herself. MAN!! That little sweetie is getting so big! I can't believe it! So, that's my review of High School Musical 3. Maybe I'm just getting to OLD for this kind of thing. I am going to be 26 in a couple months (just so you know...that makes me SO sad to say that!) - UGH! Go see it though if you have kids, they would probably enjoy it. They don't know that dancing on a rooftop in the rain, singing to your high school sweetheart isn't realistic. HAHAHAHA!!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Shall I Explain My Excitement??



You Belong in 1997

With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


This has been quite the weekend BUSY BUSY!! I went to Logan on Thursday morning and helped with Nate's kids. Its so fun to be able to hang out with those cuties all day! I loved it! We carved pumpkins and played! It was a BLAST! Saturday we all got to go to the snow mobiling show in Salt Lake. I have some friends that are big time snowmobilers so we went go see them. They have their own company called Boondockers and they put out videos of them sledding. Its pretty freaking cool! Nate is in the videos as well, so I get all proud. We went to my parents house for the rest of the weekend. It was really fun just hangin out. The kids got to decorate Halloween cookies with my parents so they were pretty stoked. All in all, we had a GREAT weekend!! Now for another busy week...


While we were paying for our pumpkins on Thursday night, my daughter turned into a thief! I truly thought I raised her right. Though, she is only 16 months, I may not have covered the fact that stealing is not ok!! Since Kaya and Aivery have come into the picture I have stressed the whole sharing idea. Maybe she just thought that the store should share. I DUNNO!!'s the story in a nutshell (apparently, I share too much info on my blog...what do you guys think?). We were standing in line at the checkstand, Nate was paying for the pumpkins. Aivery had been eyeing he candy but we told her that she couldn't have it, MEAN! I KNOW!! Well, Nate finished paying and I looked over at Eliza. She had a little truffle in her hand, NO! Actually...her MOUTH! I was mortified! I didn't know what to do! I really thought about running, WHAT A BAD MOM/PERSON!! Nate got BACK in line to pay for the stupid truffle while I stood there embarassed and Eliza sat there like nothing was out of the ordinary. Looking back, its pretty funny! But at the time, I really just wanted to crawl into a hole. So, thats the sad stry of how my daughter became a criminal. HAHA! Any of you parents out there had an experience like that??

There she is! The criminal with the evidence all over her face and hands!!! GEEZ! You'd think she'd be a little bit more discrete ;) Who raised her anyway??

And the offender is behind bars! We are all safe from this 16 month old delinquent!!!

Lord of the Ring

OK! So this story deserved it's very own post. Last Saturday night when we had our bonfire on the beach, Carlos dropped his ring in the fire ring. I saw him do it and he seemed shocked but was trying to remain silent so Mollie didn't realize it. Well, that didn't last very long. Here's the experience in a series of pictures:

After saying a little prayer, Mollie and Alli came across a guy with a metal detector. Though the metal detector isn't what found the ring, the guy gave us a few tips and some tools to look and TA-DA! Alli found it! HOORAY!


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Girls' Trip to California

Alli and I had so much fun in California!! We got to go to Disneyland and spend the day...JUST US! I didn't have to worry about kids. My parents were awesome enough to let me leave Eliza with them for a few days so that I could have a little break. YUP! They are saintly! I bet you all wish you had parents like mine, don't you?? We also got to go see Wicked. I've told you in a previous post how much I love that show! I seriously could go see it all the time if I had the money to do it!!! Saturday we went to the beach, walked around Balboa Island and in the evening my friend Karly came down with her cute dog and we had a bonfire. Carlos lost his wedding ring in the fire. That story deserves a blog post dedicated to just that alone, so look for that soon! On Sunday evening we all went to Carrie Beth's house to hang out and eat dinner. After dinner Carlos turned on TV and we started watching The Ring. I have never wanted to see that movie. I don't like that kind of movie genre. Its not fun to watch, I stress the whole time. Well, Carlos snapped some mighty fine pictures of Carrie Beth and I freaking out. Alli cracked up the whole time. Why is it funny to watch people be miserable, I wonder??? Monday night we came home. We had the best time! I was sad to leave, but excited to get home to see Eliza, Nate and the other kiddos! I missed them! Sorry, this is a brief overview, but I think you all get the point that it was a good time!! Hope all is well!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekend in Idaho

This weekend Eliza and I went with Nate and the kids up to Pocatello and Idaho Falls, ID to see his family. It was really fun! We went to the Idaho Falls High School football game on Friday. Nate's brother in law is one of the coaches for the team so we went to be supportive. The weather took a turn for the worse and we pretty much FROZE!! It was an exciting game though. Saturday morning we woke up and drove in the SNOW down to Pocatello. That night we went to the Lava Hot Springs with Nate's brother and sister in law. It was a lot of fun! I wasn't what I thought it would be. I thought the hot springs were very rural and natural. They were "natural" but they were like little pools. It was so relaxing. I had a great time! I cannot believe how cold it was in Idaho though. The weather men said it was going to be snowing and everything, but for some reason, I guess I didn't believe them. Eliza and I got home this afternoon. Back to reality I guess, well...until Thursday morning when Alli and I go to CALIFORNIA. Woohoo!

Aivery and Eliza had so much fun on the way up to Idaho. They play so cute together.

When we got home from the hot springs I think Nate was going up to check on the kids and he found Kaya conked out on the stairs. It was so funny!!

Eliza thought it was very interesting to walk around and play in the snow. Obviousley she is not used to such a thing...neither is her mommy!

Nate's parents live in the mountains above Pocatello. They frequently have deer ouring their property. The kids always got so excited when they would see deer around the house. Kaya even saw a rabbit!

On the way home last night the kids were so tired. A weekend not in their own beds, off their schedule completely took a toll. However, atleast one child remained awake the whole way home. CRAZY!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Very Scary!

So Friday I headed up to Logan again to help Nate out with his little cuties. Saturday evening Nate and I started on our way down to my house. I was in my car and Nate was behind me in his. I must have been fixing my iPod or something because I didn't notice that Nate wasn't behind me anymore. My phone started was Nate. That was weird! He told me that there was just a big wreck and that the truck almost hit him. YIKES!! I immediately got a stomach ache and then turned around. When I got closer I heard sirens and saw this (the picture to the left). I couldn't see Nate or his car. I got super nervous. I finally got to Nate. He had to write a witness report. Apparently Nate was was driving and this big truck that was in the "suicide lane" started coming over into oncoming traffic. Nate got out of the way, thankfully, but the stupid truck clipped the side of another car and then rolled. The kid who was driving the truck acted really suspicious and the police told us that he was being really uncooperative. That was seriously so scary!
The rest of the weekend was really fun! We watched General Conference on Sunday and just hung out. It was a nice, relaxing weekend!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008


HOW TO PLAY: Go to your pictures and choose the 4th picture from the 4th file and post it!

This is a picture of Mollie and Carlos coming out of the Salt Lake temple right after their sealing. What a special day!!

Thanks Mel!! That was fun!

I TAG: Mollie, Megan, Carly, Morgs, Karly, Kira & Michelle....GO!


Here are the rest of the pictures Mollie took of Eliza at the "photo shoot" a couple of weekends ago. Is she really not the yummiest baby ever?? I love this little baby!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

...More Pictures from My Talented Sister

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

TAGGED! All Who Read This...Must Do This!

1. What is your occupation right now?
**Mommy and student

2. What color are your socks right now?

3. What are you listening to right now?
**Just the hum of the baby monitor

5. Can you drive a stick shift?
**I could if I had to, but I'm not very good at it.

6. Last person you spoke to on the phone?

7. Do you like the person who sent this to you?
**Of course

8. How old are you today?
**OLD!! 25!!

9. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?
**Well, none really. But if I had to!

10. What is your favorite drink?
**Diet Pepsi - I need to drink more water though.

11. Have you ever dyed your hair?
**Oh yes! And NOW! After having a child, my hair has turned this awful mousey blonde. GROSS! So to avoid disgusting everyone around me, I do highlights.

12. Favorite food?
**Oh gosh!! I don't know. I guess anything that isn't good for me. HAHA!

13. What is the last movie you watched?
**The Women- it was pretty funny! A little bit inappropriate, but funny still the same. I know! I'm terrible.

14. Favorite day of the year?
**Any day that I get to be with people I care about.

15. How do you vent anger?
**I usually will tell my mom or Alli how I feel and then I get over it. I don't get super angry very often so, this is kind of a hard question to answer.

16. What was your favorite toy as a child?
**Cabbage Patch Dolls

17. What is your favorite season?
**Depends on where I live. When I lived in California I loved Spring, Florida-winter, but in Utah I like Fall cuz its not too cold and its not too hot.

18. Cherries or Blueberries?
**Oh no! I LOVE both!

19. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back?

20. Who is the most likely to respond?
**Mollie probably. Maybe Tifany or Karly.

21. Who is least likely to respond?
**Carly! She doesn't like these things I don't think.

22. Living arrangements?
**Eliza and I live with my parents.

23. When was the last time you cried?
**Oh...its been awhile. I don't cry very often anymore. I kinda feel like its a waste of time.

24. What is on the floor of your closet?

26. What did you do last night?
**Studied, watched "Friends" and talked to Nate

27. What are you most afraid of?
**Losing someone I love and care about, letting someone down and not being good enough.

28. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers?

29. Favorite dog breed?
**Well, a shih tzu of course!!

30. Favorite day of the week?
**I LOVE the wk ends!!

31. How many states have you lived in?
**I think 5

32. Diamonds or pearls?
**Neither reall. I'm not that fancy.

33. What is your favorite flower?
**I roses I suppose.

34. How did you meet the person who sent this to you?
**I actually don't remember...sad huh!