Sunday, October 26, 2008


While we were paying for our pumpkins on Thursday night, my daughter turned into a thief! I truly thought I raised her right. Though, she is only 16 months, I may not have covered the fact that stealing is not ok!! Since Kaya and Aivery have come into the picture I have stressed the whole sharing idea. Maybe she just thought that the store should share. I DUNNO!!'s the story in a nutshell (apparently, I share too much info on my blog...what do you guys think?). We were standing in line at the checkstand, Nate was paying for the pumpkins. Aivery had been eyeing he candy but we told her that she couldn't have it, MEAN! I KNOW!! Well, Nate finished paying and I looked over at Eliza. She had a little truffle in her hand, NO! Actually...her MOUTH! I was mortified! I didn't know what to do! I really thought about running, WHAT A BAD MOM/PERSON!! Nate got BACK in line to pay for the stupid truffle while I stood there embarassed and Eliza sat there like nothing was out of the ordinary. Looking back, its pretty funny! But at the time, I really just wanted to crawl into a hole. So, thats the sad stry of how my daughter became a criminal. HAHA! Any of you parents out there had an experience like that??

There she is! The criminal with the evidence all over her face and hands!!! GEEZ! You'd think she'd be a little bit more discrete ;) Who raised her anyway??

And the offender is behind bars! We are all safe from this 16 month old delinquent!!!


Davenport Family said...

How funny! We call Kimmie "sticky fingers" because she will take our phone or anything she can get her hands on and run away with it. Kids do the funniest things:)Hopefully Eliza's habit of eating things before buying them doesn't last long!