Saturday, October 25, 2008

Girls' Trip to California

Alli and I had so much fun in California!! We got to go to Disneyland and spend the day...JUST US! I didn't have to worry about kids. My parents were awesome enough to let me leave Eliza with them for a few days so that I could have a little break. YUP! They are saintly! I bet you all wish you had parents like mine, don't you?? We also got to go see Wicked. I've told you in a previous post how much I love that show! I seriously could go see it all the time if I had the money to do it!!! Saturday we went to the beach, walked around Balboa Island and in the evening my friend Karly came down with her cute dog and we had a bonfire. Carlos lost his wedding ring in the fire. That story deserves a blog post dedicated to just that alone, so look for that soon! On Sunday evening we all went to Carrie Beth's house to hang out and eat dinner. After dinner Carlos turned on TV and we started watching The Ring. I have never wanted to see that movie. I don't like that kind of movie genre. Its not fun to watch, I stress the whole time. Well, Carlos snapped some mighty fine pictures of Carrie Beth and I freaking out. Alli cracked up the whole time. Why is it funny to watch people be miserable, I wonder??? Monday night we came home. We had the best time! I was sad to leave, but excited to get home to see Eliza, Nate and the other kiddos! I missed them! Sorry, this is a brief overview, but I think you all get the point that it was a good time!! Hope all is well!!


Davenport Family said...

So fun! I bet you wish Nate was there to snuggle you during the ring:) Looks like you had a lot of fun! How nice of your parents to take Eliza while you went, you are super lucky! Can't wait to see you so Eliza & Kimmie can play together:)

Sara LaClaire said...

my favorite kind of trip: cali, disney, wicked, no kids to watch...sounds like a lot of fun. i also hate scary movies. i won't do it. especially if kids are involved in the theme, it freaks me out. :D

BusyMama said...

So fun! 1. Your parents are amazing, I wish I had some close by to do that for me!! 2. You look fantastic and 3. The Ring is the worst movie in the world. Saw it in the theater and it scared me so bad I have not seen a single horror flick since. Nor will I ever.

Lisa R.D. said...

I hate scary movies too... I have decided I just don't want to watch them anymore!

Looks like a fun trip!

Megan said...

hurray for your fun trip but BOO that I didn't get to see you guys!!! that mega stinks. At least you ate a churro for me. sniff sniff, miss you. PS- love Ali's hair!