Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekend in Idaho

This weekend Eliza and I went with Nate and the kids up to Pocatello and Idaho Falls, ID to see his family. It was really fun! We went to the Idaho Falls High School football game on Friday. Nate's brother in law is one of the coaches for the team so we went to be supportive. The weather took a turn for the worse and we pretty much FROZE!! It was an exciting game though. Saturday morning we woke up and drove in the SNOW down to Pocatello. That night we went to the Lava Hot Springs with Nate's brother and sister in law. It was a lot of fun! I wasn't what I thought it would be. I thought the hot springs were very rural and natural. They were "natural" but they were like little pools. It was so relaxing. I had a great time! I cannot believe how cold it was in Idaho though. The weather men said it was going to be snowing and everything, but for some reason, I guess I didn't believe them. Eliza and I got home this afternoon. Back to reality I guess, well...until Thursday morning when Alli and I go to CALIFORNIA. Woohoo!

Aivery and Eliza had so much fun on the way up to Idaho. They play so cute together.

When we got home from the hot springs I think Nate was going up to check on the kids and he found Kaya conked out on the stairs. It was so funny!!

Eliza thought it was very interesting to walk around and play in the snow. Obviousley she is not used to such a thing...neither is her mommy!

Nate's parents live in the mountains above Pocatello. They frequently have deer ouring their property. The kids always got so excited when they would see deer around the house. Kaya even saw a rabbit!

On the way home last night the kids were so tired. A weekend not in their own beds, off their schedule completely took a toll. However, atleast one child remained awake the whole way home. CRAZY!!


Davenport Family said...

You are always going somewhere fun! I went to Lava Hot Springs a few years ago and I thought it would be much different too. I don't know what I pictured, maybe random water in the ground, but i was really surprised by how nice it was. We rented a nice cabin out there, it was so fun. Anyway, I love the picture of all of you together, you would make such a cute little family;) I am glad you are out & having fun! We will be coming to Utah on Nov 8-12th so we have to get together!!!

Sara LaClaire said...

i was gonna say the same...what a cute little family. :D

Davenport Family said...

I know I already commented on this one, but you need to update your blog! I know you have done something fun since Idaho. Anyway, this might be kinds of stalker of me but I check Mollie's blog sometimes so I can see fun pictures she posts. Well, I came across one of her posts about "coke cake" and I wanted to let you know I have an AMAZING homemade coffee cake recipe that Seth makes & I was hoping you would ask Mollie if she would like it. Let me know, I can email it to you if she wants it. Thanks:)