Wednesday, May 21, 2008


I just feel like this is WRONG! Tonight David Cook beat out David Archuleta for the American Idol title. I mean, REALLY!? David Archuleta so obviously did so much better than David Cook did last night. I have to admit, I actually enjoy David C's voice, but he is just so cocky and in my mind, unlikeable. David A is just this great down to earth, humble guy who deserves this so much more than David C does. I didn't actually get to watch the finale tonight, but I saw the news just a little bit ago. This season has been so weird. First of all, there were two people from out of the country on there. Carlie from Ireland and Michael (very good looking man) from Australia (right?). Isn't that kind of ironic? I thought that they were very talented, please don't get me wrong. And then, Brooke White. She wasn't that great. That's so mean to say about a fellow Mormon, but there were others who got kicked off before her that were actually quite a bit better. Like Carlie and Michael for instance. And my final gripe before I wind this up and have a very final gripe about the finale, Jason Castro. I'm so sorry Mollie, but her wasn't that great either. I was bored every time he sang a song. He was a cute kid, but he put me to sleep. Please do not disown me Mollie, I know you loved your "son." I will end by reitterating how I feel about the "crowning" of the new American Idol. I feel like David A got jipped! I think that he should have won by a long shot. I felt the same way when Reuben Studdard won over Clay Aiken (so annoying!). David C is great! He has a good voice, but really, David A takes the cake in my book. OK! There! I'm done. I think maybe I should not be so passionate about this. But oh well! I am. GRR!


Karly said...

Amen to every word you said. And that's why we're friends.

Davenport Family said...

You are too funny! I agree with you, especially about Jason Castro. That kid bugs me so much! He seems like he's permanently stoned & he doesn't sing that great. So I loves you post about glitter toes so much that I ran out and bought glitter nail polish to do an at-home treatment. It's not as fabulous as yours, but it will do. Thanks for the inspiration:)

BusyMama said...

YES!!! Finally someone who doesn't think that Cook is the real winner. I went to bed angry that night because I was absolutely confident that Archuleta would win. I never saw a bad performance from him. I can't say the same for Cook. But I take heart in the fact that most of the runner-ups do better and have bigger careers than the winners.