Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Reading Dilemma...

OK! So, I thouroughly enjoy the IDEA of reading books. In fact, I was so proud of the summer of 2007 I was able to read 2 out of 3 books from the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. If you haven't heard of that series of books, oh dear! You must go look it up. Edward and Bella have truly changed my idea about life. When I was in Washington this passed weekend I actually looked around hoping to see one of the Cullen clan (No joke! Ask Mollie). Anyways, I need to stay on track. I finished the first 2 books of the series within 2 weeks (I know! Some of you read them faster than that)! That's a world record for me. I started the 3rd book, Eclipse, right after I finished New Moon (the 2nd book) but unfortunatly, my life went a little bit haywire and I have not been able to finish it. I know! It's a tad sacreligious when you belong to the religion of Edward and Bella.

So now here is my real parents got me the new Stephenie Meyer book called The Host for Mother's Day. I have heard so much about it; I can't wait to read it! Tell me what you all think that I should do (all the "Twilight-ers" out there). Do you think I should finish Eclipse (which means, I will probably have to jog my memory and read the whole thing over again) or should I start reading The Host? I can't even stand the excitement I have to read this book. Both books, really, but The Host sounds so intriguing and romantic. Ugh! Any suggestions? Oh! And here is another tinsy winsy problem I any of you Mommies of small children have any advice on how to manage time to take care of kids, clean, do laundry AND read all in a 24 hour period? I know that I have only one little baby but its like between playing and cleaning and feeding, etc., I have no time for reading. I would love to hear how some of you SUPER MOMS do it!

Oh! And the Twilight movie...Can't even wait!!


p.s. I know that I should maybe read some more educational books to keep up on culture and world events...but really! I just like romance and suspense and believe it or not! I actually like books about ghosts and other supernatural stuff like that. I have a hard time getting myself to read "The Book of the Month" books. Shame on me!


Karly said...

I'm so in love with Edward and Bella it's not even funny anymore. (Just ask my husband how "not funny" it really is.)
But I think if you're that excited to read The Host, then read it. You're going to love it. And you can always go back and read Eclispe after. Especially if you'll have to refresh your memory anyway. And it's a good book that can stand on it's own with some good vampire action. So I don't think you'll have to re-read them all again.
I've just learned that I read what my heart is really pulling me towards. Instead of what I think I should read or to be in order. :)
Have fun with either one! Tell me how The Host is. (And good luck with the being a mom and reading. I'm trying to just figure out how to be a wife and still read!)

Megan said...

I'm reading the HOst!!!! I am SO SUCKED IN!!! Poor Ryan.. . he's in his crib right now surrounded by toys so that I can read... I took a break to shower... its been days (embarrassing to admit) but when I start a book like this... I hardly stop. Dang that the missionaries are coming for dinner and I have to STOP reading?!?! Read the Host... you might not like it at the beginning, but then you will, then you won't. Right now it was a lull enough for me to stop, eat, shower...etc. Thats how you can still be a mom... stop at the lulls, change your kids diaper. I prop a bottle with him next to me while he eats so I can keep reading... am I a bad mom? Hopefully I'm instilling the love of reading to my kid. WHat is with this crazy long comment?! I have to go read!

Sorensens said...

OH, Just bite me please Edward! I love the books and also got the Host for Mothers Day, I have not started reading it yet, but can't wait. Finish Eclispe and then Host,ugh I don't know they are all good books. -Good Luck.

Kira said...

FINISH ECLIPSE!!!! I always do my reading during my kids' nap times and after they go to bed. But I do turn in to a very neglectful Mom and wife when I am reading a really good book. Can't wait to read The Host.