Friday, May 2, 2008

A Fabulous Massage, Glitter Toes, "I Need Mommy" & Phoebe & Eliza Love to Play

So, yesterday I decided to use my Mother's Day excuse again and I went and got a 2 hour massage. I will never be able to just have an hour massage again. Let me tell you, it was fabulous!! But, because of Spring time allergies my nose was really stuffed. When I got in the room and all settled on the table with my face in the little hole thingy I knew I was going to have trouble breathing out of my nose. I really didn't care though because I was getting a massage. A massage really is on my top 5 things that I love to do. So about midway through my massage I realized that I was falling asleep and not only that, because of my stuffed nose, I was SNORING! I don't snore! I was humiliated and I spent the rest of my massage where I was on my tummy with my face in the hole worried about not snoring. When I turned over onto my back though, I was golden. It was so relaxing, just AMAZING!

Yesterday morning while I was watching Good Things Utah, they mentioned Glitter Toes. Nicia and Angie showed off theirs. I was immediatly in love! Fortunatly, the place they got them done was only in Lehi (which is about 15 minutes away from me). So yesterday after my massage I went and got my own Glitter Toes. They are so dang cute! I figured I "needed" them for Florida. Aren't they so fun?! Any ladies in Utah who want to get them done (this is actually the only place in Utah who does Glitter Toes), the place is called La Villa Salon. They were so nice there!

Eliza has decided that there are times in the middle of the night when she just needs to see me. What happened to the sleeping through the night idea? So, between 12 and 2am she wakes up kind of crying but mostly just calling for me. So I go in there and she's sitting up in her crib. She smiles and sometimes will just lay back down, but other times she will want to be held for a minute. It is pretty cute that she wants to know I'm there. So, the times when she wants to be held, I hold her for about 5 minutes, put her back in bed and she sleeps until about 8:30am. She's a good baby!

My dog Phoebe is a little 2 year old Shih-Tzu. Eliza has loved Phoebe since she has realized that she was around. Eliza loves all dogs, but Phoebe is special. They play like little buddies. They play tug-of-war with Phoebe's toys. Sometimes Phoebe will pull so hard that she knocks Eliza over, but Eliza just laughs, gets back up and chases Phoebe for the toy. It is dang funny! One time, they played for an hour straight. Kary's dog Kyia is a Shih-Tzu also but not quite as kid friendly as Phoebe, however, Eliza is training her to be fun and playful, I guess tolerant would be a better word to describe how Kyia deals with Eliza. Phoebe and Eliza love each other, it is adorable and hilarious to watch them play together.

That's all for us. Massages, Glitter Toes, "I Need Mommy" & Eliza loves to play with Phoebe. Those are my fun days!



Lisa R.D. said...

I'm loving the glitter toes! Definitely a must for your fun trip to Florida. Have lots of fun!

Megan said...

Cute! I am jealous of your toes!!

Kira said...

I have never heard of Glitter Toes, but like you, I now must have them! A great Mother's Day treat, indeed!

Karly said...

Your glitter toes look cute. You remind me that I need to go in and get some stuff done on my feet. Summer is here and it's sandal weather!

Kara said...

oooh, I want glitter toes! I have never had my toe nails painted from a salon. I would love that.

Sorensens said...

Very cute toes! I need mine done so bad, and oh by the way can I have your dog, she is so cute.