Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A Brag & A Rebuttal

I just needed to brag for a little minute. I looked at my final grades for the semester today and this is what I saw:

INTRO TO EL ED B (I should've gotten an A! I'm a little sad!)

HOORAY! I never thought in a million years that my grades would look like that my first semester into school. So I just needed to brag, SORRY!

And now for my rebuttal! For those of you who have read my friend Kary's blog recently, he has a post entitled "Speed Bumps." You may want to review this very interesting version of the story before reading my TRUE version of the story. You can click on his link under "Blogs I Love!!" just to your right of this page. Anyway, Kary's version of the story is what I like to call the "Lifetime" version. We've all watched those movies on the Lifetime Channel. You know, the ones that are "based on a true story". OK! Well, Kary's rendition is like one of those where the actors who are portraying these actual people are beautiful and charming and make the true story somewhat endearing and tear jerking, in this case (his case) comical and biased. My version is the version where in a TV interview you actually see the people the Lifetime movie is based off of and they are not quite as beautiful and endearing as the actors that played them, in fact they aren't very attractive at all, yet at the same time, they are entertaining because they are so different from what you pictured. OK! That was a long metaphor, but I had to state my case. First of all, the speed bump wasn't that big. It's wide and I really have never seen one that looks the way that this one did, but skipping over that fact, I had everything under control. And I wasn't going THAT fast! I was completely aware of my surroundings and my speed, so COME ON! Another thing, quite often when Kary is busy or bored he either hums or sings this little diddy: "Bum, bum, bum, dum..." almost to the tune of Indiana Jones but he never quite gets to the point of that thrilling soundtrack. So naturally, I just thought that he was singing, so when he started screaming, "BUM! BUM! BUM!" I looked at him like, "What are you doing?" and that is when I went over the speed bump. So you can see, naturally I was distracted. However distracted I may have been though, everything was, like I said before, UNDER CONTROL! So, that is my brief, but TRUE version of the happenings of the speed bump. I hope it was still entertaining for you all, though it may have been just a tad less "attractive." That is my rebuttal, I rest my case (unless Kary writes another version and in that case, I will be forced to defend myself).


Jordan said...

Congratulations on your awesome grades! That is something to be proud of. Juggling school and motherhood, plus trying to fit in some sort of social life is demanding! You did it, and well!

Mollie said...

Oh yea for Laura. I am so proud of you, that looks more like my grades, not your grades. Hahaha just kidding. Congrats!

Megan said...

Hehe, funny story!! I liked Kary's better, it was more exciting. And HURRAY for your grades! Those are DANG impressive!

Catlin said...

Nice job! And, we rarely believe anything Kary says anyway, so don't worry! :)

Anonymous said...

I believe Kary's Story and its more entertaining too. Sorry sis. and congrats on your grades..

Karly said...

Congrats on the grades, my first semester at BYU was not that impressive. :) To do that with being a mother, wow, good job. And I have to say I like your version. Maybe it's because I know you and it's funny to me to imagine you telling it. Kary's is good, but I like yours better. Too bad we don't have a 3d person view to really know what happened. :)