Saturday, April 19, 2008

9 Months to put it on, 9 months to get it off...

...well, its been 9 1/2 months since Eliza was born. Two weeks ago I lost my "9 months on, 9 months off" excuse. My sister Mollie has inspired me to lose 10 pounds with her. So, I'm going to do it! No more baby fat for me. PLUS! It's swim suit season and I just bought a very cute (expensive, YIKES!) swim suit that I want to look good wearing this summer. Mollie is going to be tracking her progress on her blog, so I will do the same on here. Anyone want to join? Good luck to anyone who ventures into this challenge. Keep me updated on your methods.


Alli said...

Oh I want in on this! Swim suit season is definately disappointing but if I can lose some pounds it would be much better. I too need some good methods so keep me posted on any good ideas you have.

Happy Family said...

Ok, I need to join too. I pulled out a cute pair of capris I bought last year and I could not button them. What happened? I turned 30 and my tummy pouch is growing and I have no baby excuse!

MarcandKimberly said...

Count me in on this! Usually I look forward to bathing suit season. Now.... not so much!!! Definitely need some methods or tips or anything. HELP!