Tuesday, April 15, 2008


I was looking through some pictures on my computer today and I found this one of Eliza. She was about 3 months old. I cannot believe how fast time goes. She is so sweet now. She always has been, but her little personality is so sweet now. In the mornings either my mom or dad or I will go into her room and she will be just sitting there smiling. It is the cutest thing! Yesterday I had my IPOD on and I started singing to her while she was eating some treats and sitting in her high chair. She started cracking up. I could hardly finish a song (which is probably pretty fortunate for her) because I was laughing so hard! I love all of her little milestones. She's such a happy baby. She's crawling all over now too! My little baby is so grown up!

Hope all is well with everyone!



Lisa R.D. said...

I love her hair! She has always had so much volume, I envy it :). She is definitely a very fun baby to have around... and since school is going to be out soon, I hope you'll still call on occasion so we can play with her???

Catlin said...

Look at that hair - so darling! It was fun to meet you a couple weeks ago. Hopefully we will see you again soon!

ryan + carly said...

i remember this day! so so cute. and i got to see her a couple of days ago...she and jude were sitting in their high chairs eating and she was giggling so much. very cute!!!

Rachel said...

Hard to believe they were ever so small. We'll be having birthdays this summer- it goes by too fast!

BusyMama said...

We need to see her! She's changed so much since the last time we were over there. By the way, you have excellent taste in music!

Sorensens said...

Hi Laura, just blog hoppin and found your blog. It's Jen Sorensen use to be Meador from R.C. it looks like Eliza is the same age as my Presley. Presley was born June 15, last year. Eliza is so cute. Hope you are doing good and have a great day.