Tuesday, April 15, 2008

TAGGED! Well, not really...

Alright! So really...I wasn't tagged. But no one ever tags me (that I know of), so I was taking this opportunity to pretend I was tagged. Hehe!

A-attached or single: um....

B-best friends: Kary is my bestest friend in the whole wide world. But, my sisters and I will forever be bosom buddies.

C-cake or pie: Pie! My mom's frozen chocolate pie. YUMMY!!

D-day of choice: Friday, I guess.

E-essential item(s): For me? Geez! I really don't know. I don't usually think about essential items for me anymore. But if I had to say one thing, it would be my laptop or cell phone. What would we do without cell phones?

F-favorite color: I love pink and brown for Eliza, but for me...Yellow.
G-gummy worms or bears: If I really have to choose, gummy bears. But in reality, neither are my favorite.

H-hometown: Rancho Cucamonga, CA

I-indulgence: Anything for Eliza. I think I have a sickness.

J-January or July: July! I'm so tired of winter! But ask me in July and I may have a different answer ;)

K-kids: 1- Eliza. She really is the cutest thing you will ever see.

L-life is incomplete without: Eliza, family, friends and chocolate.

M-marriage date: Hmm...N/A at this time.

N- number of siblings: 1 brother, 2 sisters.

O-oranges or apples: Oranges

P-phobias or fears: OLD THINGS! Antique stores FREAK me out! Don't ever ask me to go cuz I won't.

Q-quotes: "I never said it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it." I live by this quote these days.

R-reasons to smile: My whole life is a reason to smile. I have such great friends and an amazing family.

S-season: Summer and Fall

T-tag friends: Mollie, Karly, Megan, Chrissy, Hailey. Carly! I'm pretending that you tagged me ok! (I needed a break from studying)

U-unknown fact about me: I like to eat the Williams Sonoma hot chocolate out of the tin. Its so stinking good!

V-very favorite store: Nordstrom. I don't know, I don't go shopping very much.

W-worst habit: I roll my eyes when I probably shouldn't.

X-x-ray, ultrasound, or mammogram: Ultrasound. I loved getting ultrasounds when I was pregnant with Eliza.

Y-your favorite food: Mexican. I could eat it anytime, anywhere.

Z- Zodiac: Capricorn


Lisa R.D. said...

Very fun to learn more about you (and who cares if no one formally tags you? It's great that you took the initiative and shared good info with us!!! :)). I have to say, I don't like gummy bears or worms either... give me SOUR peaches or apples, and I'm good, but no gummy stuff.

ryan + carly said...

haha. you are so funny. it's ok, i tagged like 10 people all from my bunco group...but i definitely tagged you in my heart! lol.