Tuesday, May 20, 2008


This past weekend Mollie and I headed up to Spokane, Washington. We left Friday night and flew into the Spokane Airport. Our main reason for going up there was to go to my friend Jessica's wedding. Jessica is a friend from high school. She has just moved to Coeur D'Alene, Idaho which is just about 40 minutes east of Spokane. When I found out she was getting married I was so excited for her because she so deserves it! She has been through a lot of yuck these passed few years and she has found this wonderful guy who, as I observed them, loves her so much. When I talked to her a few months ago she didn't have a photographer so I automatically volunteered Mollie. We had such a good time! Her ceremony was very small and quaint and took place at this cute little place downtown Coeur D'Alene called "The Hitchin' Post." After the ceremony we headed back to Jessica's grandma's house for the reception. It was such a good time to watch Will and Jessica together. Coeur D'Alene is a beautiful place which made for great pictures. Mollie had a ball using all of the amazing scenery. I will have more pictures up of the wedding when Mollie gets done editing them. This is just one that her mom took (I stole it of her MySpace...thanks Jess!).

The next day we slept in just a bit and then headed down town Spokane (that's where we were staying). Mollie was so impressed with all of the picture spots, so our intention was to snap pictures at some of the prime picture locations. Unfortunatly we ran out of time, but we were still able to have a lot of fun. For lunch we ate at The Olive Garden on the patio. The weather was so wonderful that we were so excited to sit outside. When we were eating we saw this fun thing called the Gondola. It was a little ride that took you over the Spokane River Falls area. It seemed like a good time so after lunch we headed over there. It was beautiful! Not figuring in the little bit of motion sickness I suffered from, we had a great time. After we finished on the Gondola we decided to just go and walk down by the falls. So pretty!

We really had the best time! I was ready to pack up and move Eliza and I to Coeur D'Alene, but then I was warned by so many people about the wicked winters that they had and considering Orem, UT winters are more than too much for me, I decided pretty quickly to stay where I am. While we were downtown Spokane Mollie wanted to take some creative pictures, so since I was her only model in sight, I agreed. She does such a good job!

For those who are wondering where Eliza was...I left her with my mom, dad and sister Carrie Beth. She needed to recover from the Florida trip and I didn't want to put her through another crazy time of no real naps and a strange bed. So, she got a little break with Grammy, Papa and Auntie CB. Our busy month of May is almost over. We have one more trip to California. That will be a GREAT time! Eliza will get to hang out with her dad and her cousins and Kary and I get to go see Wicked! I am so looking forward to that. Hope all is well with everyone!



Karly said...

Was that Jessica from our wonderful neighborhoo?? Wow, I haven't seen her in a long time, she looks great. That's awesome that Mollie was her photographer. And super cute pictures of you too. Mollie did a great job, and you were a great model. Can't wait for you to come to California! And oh my gosh you're going to love Wicked! I've seen it twice and I'm so, so in love with it!

Lisa R.D. said...

I love the pictures! Spokane is a neat town, and it looks like you found some great places for pictures.

You'll love Wicked, it's SOOO good.