Tuesday, May 27, 2008


This passed weekend my mom, dad, Eliza and I went down to California for Memorial Day. We had so much fun! We left Thursday morning, drove all day and finally arrived at about 7:30pm. John came over to see Eliza and that's just about all of the excitement we had that day. Oh wait! That's not so! We stopped in St. George on our way down and ate at In-N-Out Burger. That's right! There's an In-N-Out in Utah. We are moving up! Anyways, on Saturday we headed down to San Diego. We were supposed to make it to a wedding for a friend, but unfortunatly, I can't be anywhere on time, so we missed it. Shoot! I still feel pretty bad about that. We still had fun though. We saw my friend Megan from high school. We've been able to stay pretty close despite the fact that she lives in California now and I live in Utah. We ate at a Mexican restaurant (much to my dad's disappointment) in Old Town San Diego and then walked around the little shops. It was pretty rainy and chilly outside so we couldn't wander around Old Town as much as I wanted. After we left, my dad wanted to drive around and visit his old haunts. He grew up in San Diego so we always enjoy driving around and seeing his old houses. He told us this time that he and his family actually lived in a garage outside of a convienent store my grandpa owned. I never knew that and it kind of broke my heart a little. Later that evening we met up with my friend Karly and her husband Chris in Dana Point. We headed to a Mexican restaurant (my dad was dying for regular food by then). It was so good to catch up with them. Eliza was a doll and my nephew Brandon, was a prince! We had such a fun day, but we were all pretty tired by the time we got back to my sister Carrie Beth's house. I really love California! San Diego is beautiful! If I were to move back there ever, that's where I would want to be. It's so peaceful even through all of business of the city. I was in heaven!
On Saturday, we didn't do a ton during the day. Eliza went and played with her dad and the rest of us went to Round Table Pizza for lunch. In the evening we went to a couple of wedding receptions. I grew up with the people getting married. Steven Wagner married a cute girl named Angie. Steven was a couple of years younger than me. It was so weird! And then Coral, who I've known forever married Mike. That was a fun wedding reception! We had a GREAT time! I saw people that I grew up with and talked about old times, new times, we just had so much fun! I love coming back to where I grew up and seeing so many fun people.
Sunday was a blast! My neice Megan and I went into Los Angeles and saw the Broadway play Wicked. Read my previous post and you will see how fabulous it was. We had a great time driving around Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Bel Air and looking at all of the huge, ridiculously HUGE houses. We only got lost a couple of times. We ate at Hamburger Hamlet in Pasadena. It was such a good time! Yesterday, late morning, we headed home. Eliza was exhausted from this trip. Before we left, my neice Amanda took her for a walk in her stroller and she fell asleep. I knew right then that it was time to head home and not do another vacation for a little while. We are going back to California at the beginning of July to move Mollie and Carlos down there, so hopefully that will be enough time for both of us to recover from all of these crazy vacations. So, that was our vacation. We had a blast! Hope all of you are planning fun vacations for the summer. Like I said in my previous post, if you get a chance, go see Wicked . It is amazing!


P.S. I am starting my eating-well venture today! Wish me luck!


Mollie said...

How fun! I wish I could have come! Love you my sista!

Megan said...

For real?? There is an in-n-out in St George??!?! WAHOO!