Monday, May 19, 2008

I've Been Tagged...Really This Time! YAY!

So this time I really got tagged. I didn't make it up like last time. My friend Lisa tagged me. I am supposed to tell six random things about me. I will try to make them exciting.

1. People think that this is the weirdest thing, but I honestly hate old things. I cannot go into antique shops, EVER! I always feel like they are haunted. About 3 years ago I went up to Canada with the Capuas and we stayed in these people's house who had old pictures on the walls. In the room I was sleeping in there were like six or seven pictures of people from the 1800s on the wall above the bed I was to sleep in. I couldn't handle it, so I made Vicky take down the pictures before I would sleep in the room. I know, I know! It's weird, but I just have a problem with old, antique stuff. My one dilema with that though is that I really think that some things would match really pretty in my house (if I ever get one).

2. I am a shameless blogger. I don't know what is going on these days, but I LOVE to blog! I love being able to show off my cute little Eliza. I love showing people pictures of what is going on in my life. I think its just a fun thing to. And I am addicted to looking at other people's blogs too.

3. I love Diet Coke and/or Diet Pepsi! I'm actually quite addicted. Also, I don't see a huge difference between the two. I know! Some people think that there is a a huge difference and hate one or the other. I think they are both great and will drink whatever I can find or whatever is at the restaurant that I am eating at.

4. Along with that, I love going out to eat. Especially lunch! I can't help it! Right now I'm a little bit tired of eating out. I just want a ham sandwich that I make myself with lettuce, tomato and dijon mustard. Oh wait! Make that a TURKEY sandwich. But, really, when I haven't been on trips (I literally have been gone for 2weeks. First to Florida for 10 days and then to Northern Idaho and Washington this past weekend - I will blog that trip soon), I love eating out.

5. I am obsessed with being tan. I really feel like if I'm not somewhat tan, I look gross! I have the kind of skin that is just blah, so to look nice I like to be tan. It's dangerous, I know. I'm working on my obsession, I really am.

6. I LOVE reality TV! I have to say that I am really looking forward to the new Bachelorette. I'm not a huge fan of The Bachelor for some reason, but I love watching American Idol and Dancing with the Stars. I also love the E! Channel show Dr. 90210. It's shameful, but I can't help it!

Oh my! That was hard! So, I'm supposed to tag 6 people or something, so here it goes. I tag: Megan, Karly, Carly, Mollie, Hailey, and Chrissy. Have fun girlies! I'll be excited to see your random things.

I hope that was fun for some! Have a good day everyone!


Kira said...

I think that was very interesting. I am pleased that you are obsessed with Diet Coke (like me), but Diet Pepsi is so much less delicious and gratifying!

Lisa R.D. said...

That was great! I'm so glad you chose to respond :).

Mollie said...

Yea! I have never been tagged before! I'll have to respond later today.