Thursday, May 15, 2008


Hello Everyone! Eliza and I are home from Florida. We had the BEST time! Our days were spent at the beach and the pool and just running around playing with friends. Of course, we did some shopping and eating out at my favorite restaurants as well. It wouldn't be a Flirda trip without going to Michaelangelos or Hickory Hollow. We just had a very fun time.

Eliza proved that she is a huge fan of the water. Whether it was the pool or the beach, she loved to be able to splish splash all around.

Eliza and Cooper loved to play together. Cooper is my friend Jessie's little boy. He is only 29 days older than Eliza. When we measured them, we found that Cooper is a whole head taller than Eliza is. Either he is really tall or Eliza is really short, I'm not sure which one.

Going to the beach is not the same anymore. Before Eliza I was able to go to the beach and lay on a towel and get an even tan. Not so much anymore. I am not complaining at all. Eliza is all over the place. If she was not bee-lining it to the water, she was putting sand or sea shells in her mouth. It was pretty cute, but the whole experience of the beach could have been a little bit hazardous if I didn't keep on top of things. Needless to say, my back is a little bit crispier than my front. So much for the days of even tans.

On Saturday night my friends and I went to a place called Joto's Japanese Steakhouse. For those people who live in Utah, it's just like Tepanyaki. It was really yummy! I don't usually like Asian food, but this was really great! We had so much fun just hanging out and remembering all the fun times we had when we lived there. Eliza came with us. I was a little nervous to leave her with a babysitter. Besides that, Jessie and Mike's babysitter was watching their 5 kids and 1 more little baby would have been somewhat difficult. But she was really good. After dinner, we went to Coldstone Creamery downtown Sarasota. It was a blast!

Sunday was Mother's Day. I went to church at my old ward and then headed up to my Aunt Joan and Uncle Mike's house to celebrate Mother's Day with them. My cousin Patty and her family were there. She has the cutest little boy, Dominic. She is also pregnant with her 3rd little baby. It was so much fun to see everyone! Eliza went swimming with her cousin Michael. She seemed to realy enjoy herself. She was in water, she LOVES water!

The rest of the time I was there was just super fun! Eliza had a little bit of a hard time some of the time. She was over stimulated I think. She was my little ankle bracelet. She would follow me around whining until I would pick her up. One day I threw on my Mei Tai carrier so that I could get ready without her being upset. It worked!

The night before I left, my girlfriends, Kim, Jessie, Melissa and I went to Bern's Steakhouse's dessert room. It was fabulous!! I got this brownie that had vanilla bean ice cream and chocolate shavings with this delicious chocolate sauce. It was literally to die for! Eliza stayed home with Melissa's husband for a little bit and then was passed off to Jessie's husband Mikey. Those two guys were SAINTLY! I had the best time! After dessert we went and saw "What Happens in Vegas" with Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher. Ashton Kutcher is so stinking funny! Not to mention nice to watch!

All in all, we had the best time! It's nice to be home, but I really do miss living in Florida. The weather is beautiful and the scenery is amazing! I'm so glad that we had the opportunity to go and play with such fun people in such a great environment. Thank you to all of my friends for making this the best trip ever!

Hope all is well with everyone! What is everyone doing for their summer vacation?



Catlin said...

You are so tan! It looks like a fun trip! We missed you at the wedding last week - hopefully we can see you again soon!

Davenport Family said...

Looks like you had a great time! I can't believe how big Eliza is; they grow too fast don't they! I hope you're doing great!

Amy said...

Being sick stinks - I wish I could have come and played with you guys at the pool and Jesse's. It looks like you had a lot of fun. I am glad that I got to see you while you were here even if it was just briefly. Eliza is so stink'n cute!Hopefully we will see each other when we move out that way. :)

Megan said...

You are so stinkin tan!! I love the picture of the back of the two babies looking at the ocean, but my FAVORITE is Eliza's face covered with sand, precious!!

Karly said...

What a fun trip, no wonder you miss Florida, it looks amazing! I live on PCH and I'm not even that tan!

Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

Your trip looks like so much fun! You got some sun and you look fabulous after just having a baby!! I love reading your blog! You have an adorable little girl!

Happy Family said...

What a fabulous trip. Your summer is off to a great start.

Lisa R.D. said...

Looks like you had so much fun! I'm glad you got to go and enjoy the great things about Florida. Consider yourself tagged (see my blog for details!).

Trevor, Amber, Matix and Nivelli said...

yea Mai Tei. You look so beautiful in all the pictures. It's nice having a sister who is a great photographer.