Sunday, June 1, 2008

50 Things I Love...

I think that it is good sometimes to take some time to think about all of the positives in your life. I decided I was going to do that today. I got this scrapbooking kit from Pebbles in my Pocket the other day entitled "50 Things I Love." I'm going to brainstorm here.

1. First and foremost, ELIZA! I love her more than anything in this world. She is the love of my life. There is no one better in my book.
2. The Gospel. I would never be able to get through the hard times without it. I wouldn't be able to be the mom that I am if I wasn't blessed with it. It is my rock!
3. My Family. What an amazing family I have! They have helped and supported me through everything, and I mean EVERYTHING! They might be tired of me pretty soon.
4. My Friends. Old and New. How much fun to have people who would do anything for you besides your family? I have such amazing friends!
5. California. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to grow up there. What a beautiful place!
6. Chocolate. I know, we're moving onto less meaningful things, but seriously, chocolate is so yummy to me. I can't go a day without it!
7. Diet Coke/Pepsi. Yet another thing that I can't go a day without. The taste is just so delightful.
8. My camera. I have to have this wherever I go because Eliza is always doing something so cute!
9. My scrapbook. I know! I know! I just started it, but I really could look at it all day. Eliza likes to look at it too, so its fun to have that time with her.
10. Mexican Food. Mostly just bean and cheese burritos, but I have been expanding my horizons to carne asada burritos as well. YUMMY!
11. The Beach. I love being able to just sit on the beach and tan. Those days have passed however, so now I love chasing Eliza along the sand making sure she doesn't dive in the water. Beachtime with Eliza is risky business.
12. Summer after Winter (and Spring in Utah). Its so nice to have warmth after the freezing cold.
13. Fall after Summer. I love how it cools down after the scorching summer. I think maybe I'm never satisfied, weather-wise.
14. Disneyland. Enough said.
15. School. I know its crazy! But I really like school. Especially since I did so well this last semester. I'm really excited to start back up this Fall.
16. Cambria, CA. I know I said California already, but this place, to me is totally separate. I love it there. It is so peaceful!
17. Florida. Not in the Summer and Fall though! Winter and Spring are beautiful there. I really enjoyed my last trip.
18. My Birthday. December 22nd, 2007 was a hard birthday for me though because I turned 25, but I still had so much fun! I love having a day that is mine.
19. Christmas. See! It's 2 different loves. Meaning it isn't combined people! I love the feeling of Christmas. I really love it in Utah because its snowing most of the time. But the snow should go away the next day as far as I'm concerned.
20. Coming Home from Vacation. I know that's weird because the vacation itself should be the fun part, but I love coming home and getting reaquainted with normal life again. Plus, Eliza likes home better than anywhere else.
21. Looking at Pictures. It's a good thing that I like to look at pictures because my sister is a photographer. And an amazing photographer she really is!
22. MAC and BOBBI BROWN Make Up. There's a good possibility that I am a make up snob. I have to have one or both of those kinds in my make up bag. I usually just use the eye shadow and brushes. If you haven't tried those brands, you really should.
23. Picture Frames. I love going to stores and looking at the picture frames. I have so many in my room that are so stinking cute. I think I'm obsessed!
24. SHOES! Yet another thing that I am obsessed with! I have so many shoes that I don't even wear but I just cannot part with them.
25. Reading Scrapbook Books & Magazines. Lately since I have started scrapbooking (Yahoo!) I love reading the magazines and books and getting fun ideas. I just got Lisa Bearnson's new book and I am in love with it. I look at it all the time.
26. Reading, in general (or the idea of it). I've said it before, I really do like escaping from normal life and jumping into some character's in a really good book. I'm determined to read more. I wish there were more hours in the day so that I could do that.
27. Blogging. I'm not sure why I like to put all of my garbage out on the internet where anyone and everyone can see, but I do! I love it! I guess maybe I like to show my little cute baby off. Who knows?
28. My Car. I love my little 2005 Toyota Corolla. It is my first real live car that I purchased all by myself and so I am very proud of it. It's not ever clean and its out of gas most of the time, but I couldn't live without it.
29. Bows for Eliza's Hair. Whenever I see a bow I love, I have to get it. I have been doing Eliza's hair since day 1 because she was born with multitudes of dark brown locks. After I delivered her and they brought her to me after her bath, they had her hair all gelled out with a pink bow in it. I never put gel in it, but I have always made it a point to keep her with a bow on. Just recently she has figured out how to pull them out which is a little annoying, but I just put them right back in.
30. Swim Suits. I love swim suits for me and for Eliza. Eliza has like 5 or something and she's only 11 months old. I have a few and I just want more!
31. Layers Clothing. Everyone should know this company. They have the CUTEST clothes! Not only are they modest, but they are somewhat affordable and they actually last forever. They also have the funnest swim suits! I got one from them this season that I'm in love with and then I have some from a couple of summers ago that I still wear. <--Go there!
32. Walking Around Roberts. For those of you who don't know what Roberts is, its a craft store here in Utah. They also have home decor. It is such a fun place to just look around. I don't normally get anything because I don't have a house and I'm not all that crafty, but I still think its fun to go and see what they have.
33. The Parade of Homes. I love going to the Parade of Homes in Utah county every year. Last year I was pregnant and I was so uncomfortable, but I still went; however, I didn't enjoy it quite as much as I am enjoying it this year. So fun!
34. My "E" Necklace. Obviously the "E" stands for Eliza. It's not a cheesy necklace either. Its very simple and I love it! Unfortunatly its in knots that I can't get out right now, but I still love it!
35. Quiet Time. I think it is so much fun when I can just run away and be by myself. Its liberating, and for me sometimes, quite necessary. I just like to be able to go off to somewhere quiet and think. Its lovely!
36. Hollywood. Alright! I will admit it! I love the Hollywood life! I get caught up in it whenever I am in Hollywood. I love seeing celebrities! I'm not a goon though when I see them. I try to be normal. I just think its a good time.
37. I enjoy going on that website sometimes to see who Jennifer Aniston is dating now, or to see if Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears have gotten into anymore trouble. My favorite thing on though is the Star Tracks section. I like to look at those pictures. I know, dumb! But I do it anyway even though it may be a waste of time.
38. My Bed. My bed is delicious! I love getting into it every night basically because I know that for those 6 or 7 hours, I have no responsibilities. What an amazing thing!
39. Showers. Most days I take a shower in the morning and right before I go to bed. I don't like going to bed dirty and honestly, a shower at night is so relaxing. I have to shower in the morning too though. I feel grimey if I don't.
40. Going out to Eat. I think its a blast to go to restaurants to eat. I like being able to socialize with friends and family over a good meal anyday.
41. Anything with Chocolate and Peanut Butter. Has anyone had those Twix bars that have a chocolate cookie with peanut butter? MMMM! It is so very yummy! Unfortunatly, I could eat them all day, any day. (I know Jessie! You are totally dry heaving right now).
42. Michaelangelo's Spinach Rolls. Michaelangelo's is this delightful little pizzaria in Florida. Oh my goodness! They make this spinach roll that makes my mouth water just thinking about it. It's truly to die for!
43. My Laptop Computer. I absolutly LOVE having my own laptop that I can take wherever I need to go. I can watch movies on it, upload pictures, keep financial records, look at my email, and I can do all that wherever I want. I LOVE IT! (Thanks Johnny!)
44. Watching Eliza & My Dog Phoebe Play. Eliza is totally enthralled with Phoebe. She wants to play with her all of the time and for the most part, Phoebe is always up for it. It is the sweetest, cutest thing!
45. The Rocking Chair in Eliza's Room. I bought it a couple of months ago. It is big and stuffed and chocolate brown. Its such a nice chair, and it was so expensive so even if I didn't love it, I would make myself love it. But fortunate for me, I really intruly LOVE IT!
46. My Mother/Daughter Picure. I bought a picture awhile ago that says, "The love between a mother and daughter is forever." It just reminds me everyday when I wake up about how blessed I really am to be a mom.
47. The Gym. OK! I really HATE the gym. Working out is not fun for me, but I like how I feel when I'm done. I feel like I have accomplished something. I just started going back, and even though I don't see any changes yet, I'm excited to keep working at it. I will be 120 pounds again one day soon!!
48. Cooking. I haven't done it in awhile, but I really enjoy trying out new recipes and putting together a meal for people. I think its fun!
49. "Friends." I mean the TV show. I seriously could watch that show all day long. I think it is the funniest sitcom that was ever on television. The chemistry between the characters is uncopy-able (I know! Not a word). I'm so glad I have all of the episodes on DVDs.
50. Being with People that I Love. I think that I stated that before in so many words, but honestly, I love my friends and family. I love my little girl. Nothing thrills me more than to be able to be with people I care about.

So there it is! I feel better already! You guys should try this. It will make your day better just to think about all the things that you love about your life.


Megan said...


Morgan said...

That was fun to read! I love your blog, Laura. I love being able to hear your voice and see your gestures through your writing. You crack me up!