Friday, June 6, 2008

Eliza Combs Her Hair & a Little Friend

Hello to Everyone! I told you all that I loved to blog. I just wanted to share a couple of fun pictures. Eliza has figured out what a comb is used for now. If I give her one to play with, she immediatly puts it up to comb her hair. I try not to give her one to play with anymore because it takes too long to do her hair in the morning to be having her mess it up a few minutes later. Case and point: The picture below.

One of the girls that used to work with my mom came over tonight with her cute little boy Carter. Eliza thought he was so interesting. It was kind of like she didn't know whether to treat him like Phoebe (our dog) or like one of her toys. I think she decided to go somewhere in between. We only had to tell her to "be soft" a couple of times. I didn't think that allowing my child to whack a friend's 6 month old child in the head was being a proper hostess. I think that Carter, overall, enjoyed playing with Eliza.

Eliza is in to EVERYTHING! She even got into my parents' "good dish" cabinent today and started pulling things out. YIKES! I ran to the rescue of the dishes. Eliza thought it was pretty funny when I screamed "NOOO!" Oh dear! I wonder if I will ever be able to effectivly discipline that child. Anyways...she gets into everything and stands up on anything. Today she was standing up on the vacuum cleaner and playing peek a boo with my mom. It was so cute! She seemed to be so proud of herself.

That's really all that is going on with us. I've been home most of the week working on scrapbooking. I feel like I've done so much, but unfortunalty, I've only gotten through Eliza's 4th month. Aiy! Yi! Yi! Why didn't I do this sooner?!

Have a good weekend!


Mollie said...

Since no one else is commenting on your cute blog post, I will. Thanks for coming with me to Ferron today!

Kati said...

I just have to say how darn cute your daughter is :)!!

Megan said...

Oh my heck!!! It would drive me crazy if my kid 'brushed' her hair after I fixed it! (I guess its good my kids mostly bald!) And you are four months ahead of me on scrapbooking...(since I haven't started...yikes) Post some pics of the pages you did!!