Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Everything Must Go in Eliza's Mouth!

Sunday morning I was doing Eliza's hair for church. I usually have to wet it because she has so many fly aways. So I did what I normally do and as I was combing out the pony tails I let go and it just stayed there. It was so funny! Eliza didn't know what was so funny, she was busy brushing her teeth. She now has to brush her teeth whenever I do. I hand her her toothbrush, she sticks it under the water and goes to town brushing her teeth. Its pretty cute! I obviously have to go back and brush them again after she is done, but she doesn't seem to mind it.

After church on Sunday, Mollie and Carlos came over for dinner. After dinner we all just sat around and played with Eliza. Its what we do since she was born. I think it is so much fun! She crawled over to the stairs and pulled some papers down. I didn't think anything about it. I looked over a few minutes later and she was chewing on a peice of the papers she had pulled down. I called her name and she looked up and took the paper out of her mouth, she had ink all over her lips. This picture does not do it justice, but it was pretty funny.

I took a couple of pictures of the ink of her lip, but the one below with her smiling warmed my heart. Eliza's dad have this constant fight about who she looks like the most (its not really a fight, just a laughable discussion). Well, in this picture below she looks exactly like me in one of my year old pictures. I was so excited! Normally she looks so much like him, its incredible, but Sunday night she looked like me. I will never let him live it down ;).

Recently Eliza has had a cough. I took her to the doctor last week because it had lasted a really long time, plus she developed a yucky cold. He gave me a prescription for antibiotics, said it was a little virus and that the prescription should clear it up and sent us on our way. I was nervous to give her medicine because she has gotten in this habit of spitting anything that goes in her mouth out. She thinks she's pretty comical when she does that. Well, I gave it to her and she absolutly LOVED it! I was so glad. She kept opening her mouth for more. She watches me put the medicine in the syringe and then after I'm done giving it to her she wants to hold it. She touches the syringe to the bottle of medicine and then puts it in her mouth. Its so cute! She's really starting to pay attention and copy what we do now. I love this age!

Speaking of watching us carefully...tonight while I was putting Eliza to bed I gave her her dolly and blankie as usual and sat with her in the rocking chair to feed her a bottle. She sat up after drinking about half of the bottle and started pointing at her dolly's face. She pointed to the mouth first and then looked at me and pointed to my mouth. I would say, "Good job Eliza! That's Mommy's mouth!" Then she would move onto the eyes and nose. It was so much fun! She's growing up! I can't believe she will be a year old in 21 days! CRAZY! Time flies.

Hope all is well with everyone!



Davenport Family said...

She is so cute! I can't believe she is almost a year old!!!! She will be running around soon;) I'm glad you guys are doing well and I love reading your blog, keep up the good work!