Thursday, June 12, 2008

OK! So Two More Cute Pictures...

I had to post these cute pictures. As I have said before, Eliza and my parents' dog Phoebe are the best of friends. Eliza could sit and play with Phoebe for hours. Phoebe has figured out that she can't play as hard as she can with grown ups, with Eliza. The two of them love to play by the back screen door. We put a baby gate up so Eliza can stand up. If we didn't have the gate up she would fall right through the flemsy screen. Anyways...Mollie got a few pictures of them standing up at the door on Sunday. So cute! Actually, Phoebe was barking to get outside because I was out there and she apparently thought it was all too proper to be outside as well but I didn't want to let her out yet. Eliza didn't like the barking so she was trying to get her to stop. Mollie also took a video of that. Its on her blog I don't know how to put videos on my blog nor do I know how to do that word/link thingy. So, maybe someone wants to tell me how to do that? Anyways, if you are interested in seeing my bossy baby, go to Mollie's blog and watch the video. There is also a video on there of Mollie and me rocking out to one of Celine Dion's ballads. Its a little bit obnoxious, but HEY! We had a good time ;)!

...oh and by the way, being the proud Mommy that I am, I WILL be posting more cute pictures very soon! I always have my camera ready these days.



Megan said...

hehe... I saw the video on Mollie's funny! email me Mollie's email and I'll invite her to my blog... miss ya girly!

Karly said...

I love, love these pictures. And the video of her is so cute. I laughed and then called Chris over to see it too. How adoreable she is!

Michelle, Jack, Charlie, and Nick! said...

Eliza is so beautiful! Just like her mommmy. We do need to get together soon so get my # from Mollie.