Thursday, June 26, 2008


So, it seems like Eliza is so much more of a little girl today. She's not my baby anymore. I can't figure out if it's just a psychological thing on my part or if being one year and one day old can actually mature a baby into a little girl. It kind of makes me sad. She's even eating better, which let me tell you, is a dream come true! She used to be the most TERRIBLE eater! Anyways, here's what struck me today. She got this dolly from her aunts and uncles on the Capua side (Thank you Amber, Chris, Carly, Tanner & Danielle) that comes with a bottle. This afternoon when she woke up from her nap she wanted the dolly and the bottle. She went and sad in the rocking chair in her room and fed the baby its bottle. Is that grown up or what?! My dad and I just looked at her with excitement, but at the same time I was so sad because she's not a baby anymore...sniff! sniff!! Anyways, here are some pictures:

How cute is that?! Oh how quickly they grow up! Do any of you moms out there with babies who have turned a year ever felt sad that your babies were getting so big?


Karly said...

Oh my how adoreable. You know you have the cutest girl in the world right? I'm sure you do. Well, I even get a little sad to see her all grown up (weird I know) so I can only imagine how it must be sad for you. And yet so fun and cute at the same time! So exciting! I love it, I love all the new pictures of how big she is getting. So keep 'em comin!

Cory and Emily said...

Hi Laura! I just got your comment on my blog. Thanks for inviting me to her party. Raegan needs to hang out with more kids, for sure! And -even though my baby hasn't turned one yet, I totally know what you mean about the feeling sad part. I can't believe Raegs is already 8 mo. I am so terrified for when she goes to Kindergarten. I am going to freak! Your little girl is adorable, though. You are such a cute mom, too.

DIY REDS! said...

I just traced and glued cute paper to the front and back of the rolodex. staples ribbons and glued buttons. just make it how you like. by the way, i love your little girl-very cute. talk to you later.

Catlin said...

I have had a hard time with Matthew growing up. I really miss my tiny baby! Every age is so much fun, though, and I love to see him learning and growing. I'm glad Eliza had a fun birthday party!