Wednesday, June 11, 2008


So, I was introduced to Isagenix by my brother in law Carlos. He swears by this form of weight loss so I've decided to try it. Basically, its a 30 Day Cleanse. It gets all of the yuck out of your body so you feel good and energized. PLUS! You lose weight along the way. I'm excited! I start on Monday. Using Isagenix products I will have a shake for breakfast, take a vitamin to stimulate my metabolism, have a 400-600 calorie meal for lunch (I will be having a 600 calorie meal THANK YOU!) and then a shake for dinner. Once a week I do a cleanse which means I drink water and another kind of drink and I can have snacks throughout the day. This goes for 30 days. I'm hoping to shed 15-20 pounds. Cross your finger for me! My dad says he's leaving town. I get kinda ornery when I'm hungry, so I think the first couple of days I might be beastly, but I'm going to do my best. I will let you all know how its going.



Megan said...

you are a brave girl... keep us updated!

Davenport Family said...

I can't believe you are doing that, I would never make it! We are coming out on July 8th and will be there for almost a week. I am not sure what our plans are for the trip, but we will definitely have to get together and maybe get lunch or something.

Sorensens said...

OK, you have inspired me. I need to lose about 10-15 pounds so if this work for you then let me know, and how mush is it?

Eliza is getting so big in those pictures, do you have big plans for her Birthday, Presleys Birthday is this Sunday on the 15th. I can't beleive she is 1.

Cory and Emily said...

Hey Laura! SO, that it the most darling and hilarious picture I've ever seen of Eliza and that dog! You dress her so cute, too!I saw that you are doing Isagenix. I did that last year b4 I got pregnant! I liked it a lot! Now I am just doing weight watchers though and love that too. I've lost 20 pounds! Yipee! I still have more to go though. . . . we do need to play sometime!

Alli said...

I wanna try this. I need to be eating much better cause I could definately lose a few of those nasty pounds! If it works for you I'm totally going to do it.