Sunday, September 28, 2008

Two Peas in a Pod

I just needed to take a little minute to talk about my cute neice Megan. She is the SWEETEST 13 yr old I have ever met (well...sometimes!). She's an incredible girl with a very good head on her shoulders. She has strong, valid opinions about life. She reminds me (and my family) a little of myself at her age. She's beautiful inside and out and I am so proud to be her Auntie Laura. Love you Megs!!!

Mystery Pictures!

I honestly have NO clue where these pictures came from. I might have taken them, but I really do not remember doing it. I think my life has gotten a little bit hectic, what do you think? They are cute pictures, none the less so I needed to post them.

Now this one I KNOW I didn't take!! I just found it on my camera as I was looking through my pictures. It was too funny to not post. HAHA! Sorry Nate! I couldn't help myself. ;)



This was such a fun weekend. Thursday, Nate and I went to lunch at Guru's in Provo. I had school after that until about 6:30pm and then I headed up to Salt Lake to a University of Utah girls' volleyball game with my friends Alli and Krista. After the game we went to dinner at Z Tejas at the Gateway. I don't highly recommend that place. It was ok though...good guacamole! Friday, Eliza and I went up to Logan to spend some time with Nate and his kids. It was a blast!! Nate had to work until 4pm so I took all 3 kids to the park. They loved it! Kaya and Aivery especially liked the tire swing. I decided it was time to move onto another part of the park when Kaya said that the spinning was making him sick to his stomach. I didn't really feel like cleaning up throw up. The kids loved the swings and playing in the sandbox. It was so fun! I was glad I was able to spend some time with the kids all together and help Nate out at the same time.

After Nate got home from work, we watched the kids play for a little while and tried to relax. Its a little bit tough we we've got 3 kids running around though. Later that evening we made pizza from scratch. Kaya was so excited about it! He would ask about every 5 minutes after Nate got home, "Can we make pizza NOW?!" We finally gave in. The pizza was pretty good! I didn't think it would actually be that yummy with Pillsbury crust, but it really was!

After dinner, Nate was ready to put the kids to bed. Aivery likes for Nate to lay by her and watch Teletubbies while she falls asleep. Eliza thought that was such a good idea, so she went over to observe what was going on. I had to snap a picture, it was too cute!

I put Eliza down while Nate was getting Kaya to bed. I needed a little bit of relaxation time before I headed back home...a 2 hour drive. Nate and I hung out for a bit and then around 11pm, I got on the road. I was SOOO tired, but I'd had such a good time, I was ok driving.

Saturday morning my sister Carrie Beth and her 2 girls Megan and Madison came in from California. It was so good to see them! I took Madison and Eliza and met Nate, Kaya and Aivery at the Aquarium in Sandy. The kids LOVED looking at the fish! I knew Eliza would like it, but I wasn't sure if the other 3 kids would enjoy looking at a bunch of fish in fancy tanks. They seemed to have a good time though my neice Madison kept saying, "You know Laura, The Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach [in CA] is much bigger and better this one." Ahhh! The truthfulness of 7 year olds.

After the aquarium we went and met my parents and Carrie Beth at Gardner's Village. We walked around in the shops. I thought for sure that Kaya would HATE walking around in the shops, but he was a super sport and did GREAT!! So did Nate for that matter ;)! We let the kids watch the ducks and then we had a very yummy dinner at Archibald's Restaurant in Gardner's Village. The kids did so awesome! I promised Kaya if he was so good that we would get him a pumpkin because I thought we could buy one there, so when I went to go buy one I found that you actually COULDN'T buy them, they were just for "show" (DUMB!). He was crushed! I felt terrible!

Nate got Kaya and Aivery ring pops for being so nice while we were there. I thought Aivery's tounge was a crack up so I had to take a picture...Kaya's tounge was equally as green, but he was pretty tired of pictures by the end of the day. HAHA! We had the MOST fun hanging out with my family! I was so glad Nate came down with his kids. A fabulous couple of days!

This afternoon/evening my family and I drove up the Alpine Loop. I actually had never done that before. I'm not good with roads that "loop" so I wasn't all that excited for this little trip. The leaves were changing though and it ended up being such a BEAUTIFUL drive. We stopped at some picnic tables right by Timpanogos and had a picnic. Eliza played by the water - I don't know why that girl loves the water so much! It was a blast!!

I'm not sure if this weekend can be topped! I guess we shall see next week! Hope all is well with everyone! TAKE CARE!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

MOLLIE: Miracle Worker's a couple of pictures that Mollie took of Eliza and me. They are amazing!! She could take the ugliest person alive and make them look fabulous! THANKS MOLLS!!

Is Eliza's beenie not the cutest thing????

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Explaining "Dream Come True" Post

I saw this on a friend's blog and I thought it would be fun to do. Everyone who knows me, knows that I consider Zac Efrom my "inappropriate crush." I have liked him since he was in the first HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL movie. I think he was like 16 yrs old in that one, so thats why I label my crush on him as "inappropriate." Watch the video below and just think about how excited I would be if this was REALLY me. HAHAHA! ENJOY!!

Dream Come True!!

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Just Needed to Show Off My Sweet Little Girl



Monday, September 22, 2008

No Pictures...SORRY!

Hello All! I don't have pictures for this post. I was very lame and didn't take any on my camera. SORRY! Eliza got to spend a lot of time with her dad this week. He was here for his brother Chris's wedding. I attended that reception on Wednesday night in Sundance. It was a beautiful reception and it was nice to see some of my old friends. I'm so happy for Chris and Azy!! Friday Nate came down from Logan so we went with Phatty, Alli and Mollie to dinner at Ruth's Diner in Salt Lake. It was so much fun! After dinner we headed back to Phatty's place to watch a movie. We watched "Baby Mama." I don't know why, but that movie cracks me up. Saturday morning Nate and I attended the funeral of one of his former co-worker's baby. The baby was exactly one year to the day younger than Eliza. He had a heart condition that could not be treated so he passed away. The funeral was so inspirational. I don't know if that's a very appropriate way to describe such a sad occasion, but it really humbled me. I think so often we take for grantid how healthy our kids are. It made me really think about how grateful I am for my daughter and the fact that she is healthy. Another thing that touched me was the enthusiasm of this little boy's family. They KNOW they will see their sweet little boy again, and he will be healthy. Seriously! What an amazing thing. It again made me feel so blessed to know of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. No matter what happens here on earth, if we live righteously, we get to be with the people we love most in this world for eternity. How awesome is that?! It gives me such a good and peaceful feeling to know that the Lord loves me and only wants me to be happy.
After the funeral, Nate and I headed up to Logan. We went to lunch and then just hung out and relaxed all day. It was so much fun!! I missed Eliza so much but I knew she was enjoying time with her dad.
Mollie was the photographer for Chris and Azy's wedding so she got to stay up here for the weekend. Sunday we went up to downtown Lehi and took some pictures. Alli came down and Mollie got some beautiful pictures of her and her sister Emily. I wanted some of Eliza and I. Eliza had more of the idea of running around instead of taking pictures but we ended up getting some very cute ones. I'm excited to post those in a couple of weeks.
I had such a fun weekend!! Now its back to reality and studying. SO SAD! Carrie Beth, Megan and Madison are coming up on Friday so I'm really looking forward to that. Hope all is well with everyone!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

All I Can Say is...SO MUCH FUN!!


I have had THE best weekend!! Seriously, I feel so lucky to have such fun friends. I get to do the most exciting things. Things I never thought that I would be able to do. It's so awesome! Friday afternoon I met my friend Nate for lunch. Then Friday night I headed BACK up to Salt Lake for Alli's "girls" birthday dinner. We went to Baxter's American Grille. It was pretty yummy! They had the most amazing onion rings. YUMMY!! AND! The most delectable chocolate dessert. HEAVEN! After that we went and saw the movie "The Women." Pretty sure you all can skip that one. I thought it was ok. Not worth $8 though. It was such a great night!! I love hanging out with the girlies.

Today Eliza and I headed up to Logan to hang out with Nate and his 2 kids Kaya (4 1/2) and Aivery (2 1/2). They were so adorable! We played in the backyard, colored, ate at McDonalds and then went to a little pond by Utah State University to feed the ducks. The kids loved it! I had so much fun watching everyone. As I have said in previous posts, Eliza LOVES water! So she went straight for it. A few minutes into feeding the ducks she decided to sit down in the water...FULLY CLOTHED!! It was pretty cute! I just took her pants of and let her go with a diaper and a shirt. Kaya and Aivery had so much fun! Those 2 are the funnest kids! I'm so glad Eliza got a chance to play with them. When we came back to the house, I put Eliza down for a nap, the other 2 played outside and Nate and I watched a movie. I LOVE the movie "The Breakup" as does Nate so we watched as much as we could but ended up falling asleep for a few minutes here and there. It was such a fun day...its been such a GREAT weekend!!