Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Explaining "Dream Come True" Post

I saw this on a friend's blog and I thought it would be fun to do. Everyone who knows me, knows that I consider Zac Efrom my "inappropriate crush." I have liked him since he was in the first HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL movie. I think he was like 16 yrs old in that one, so thats why I label my crush on him as "inappropriate." Watch the video below and just think about how excited I would be if this was REALLY me. HAHAHA! ENJOY!!


Chris Capua said...

Oh laura... Hahaha that was awesome.

Alli said...

I think you have a couple inappropriate crushes. Would you like me to name them? And I didn't know you sang but it sounded great!

Rachel said...

So funny! I did the same thing only I put my hubby's head in for "Troy." His inappropriate crush is Vanessa Hutchings. Funny that when I emailed it to him at work I labeled it "dream come true" too! Off topic, but you should come work out with some of us. Shannah and Brooke and Amy have all been coming with me at night. If you want to, let me know!