Monday, September 22, 2008

No Pictures...SORRY!

Hello All! I don't have pictures for this post. I was very lame and didn't take any on my camera. SORRY! Eliza got to spend a lot of time with her dad this week. He was here for his brother Chris's wedding. I attended that reception on Wednesday night in Sundance. It was a beautiful reception and it was nice to see some of my old friends. I'm so happy for Chris and Azy!! Friday Nate came down from Logan so we went with Phatty, Alli and Mollie to dinner at Ruth's Diner in Salt Lake. It was so much fun! After dinner we headed back to Phatty's place to watch a movie. We watched "Baby Mama." I don't know why, but that movie cracks me up. Saturday morning Nate and I attended the funeral of one of his former co-worker's baby. The baby was exactly one year to the day younger than Eliza. He had a heart condition that could not be treated so he passed away. The funeral was so inspirational. I don't know if that's a very appropriate way to describe such a sad occasion, but it really humbled me. I think so often we take for grantid how healthy our kids are. It made me really think about how grateful I am for my daughter and the fact that she is healthy. Another thing that touched me was the enthusiasm of this little boy's family. They KNOW they will see their sweet little boy again, and he will be healthy. Seriously! What an amazing thing. It again made me feel so blessed to know of the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ. No matter what happens here on earth, if we live righteously, we get to be with the people we love most in this world for eternity. How awesome is that?! It gives me such a good and peaceful feeling to know that the Lord loves me and only wants me to be happy.
After the funeral, Nate and I headed up to Logan. We went to lunch and then just hung out and relaxed all day. It was so much fun!! I missed Eliza so much but I knew she was enjoying time with her dad.
Mollie was the photographer for Chris and Azy's wedding so she got to stay up here for the weekend. Sunday we went up to downtown Lehi and took some pictures. Alli came down and Mollie got some beautiful pictures of her and her sister Emily. I wanted some of Eliza and I. Eliza had more of the idea of running around instead of taking pictures but we ended up getting some very cute ones. I'm excited to post those in a couple of weeks.
I had such a fun weekend!! Now its back to reality and studying. SO SAD! Carrie Beth, Megan and Madison are coming up on Friday so I'm really looking forward to that. Hope all is well with everyone!!