Monday, September 8, 2008

Alli's Birthday Weekend Get-a-Way!!

Friday night Phatty, Alli, Emily, Melissa, Krista and I all headed up to Rexburg, ID. It was Alli's birthday wish to go to Jackson Hole, so we granted it. We stayed at her grandma's house in Rexburg on Friday night and then headed to Jackson Hole in the early afternoon. We had a BLAST! We took some pretty pictures at a designated "picture spot" that showed a beautiful view of the Tetons. We went on to Jackson and went on the Alpine Slide. I remember going on that when I was a kid. It was so fun! And being with such an awesome group of friends made it even more great!! Phatty and Krista HAD to head back for the University of Utah/University of North Las Vegas game. Silly college football fans! HAHA! After they left we went to Bubba's BBQ for lunch. It was heavenly! We then went shopping around Jackson Hole. It really is an overly expensive place, but the atmosphere and the weather was so nice! One funny story. Kinda shows how dumb I can be sometimes. In the pictures in the slideshow, you can see us taking pictures with a stuffed buffalo. Well, I walked up to it and said, "Hey Alli! Lets take a picture in front of the moose!" Everybody looked at me. I couldn't figure out WHY everybody was staring at me, but then Alli said, "Laura, did you just call that a 'moose'?" I looked over at it, still wondering what was so wrong with my question. I then realized it was a buffalo and I quickly said, "No, I mean the buffalo." In my defense, I had just seen a moose stuffed animal, ALRIGHT!? HAHA! On our way home from Jackson that evening we were contemplating what we were going to do the rest of the night. When we got back to Alli's grandma's house, there were sloppy joes waiting for us. They were so yummy! Alli's mom and grandma were so hospitable. It was so nice! After dinner we headed out to our friend's little party and ran into some people that Alli knew from when she went to BYU-Idaho. We decided to go 4 wheeling at the sand dunes. By this time it was 11pm, but we were so excited! Going 4 wheeling was THE BEST decision we made all weekend. It was SOOO much fun! I'd never really done EXTREME 4 wheeling before, but it was AWESOME!! I want to go again really soon! So, that was our weekend. We had the best time ever! I'm so glad that we went. Thanks for the most awesome weekend ever Alli! Happy Birthday!!


Mollie said...

So fun! Seriously, Laura, it is like you stepped right into my place where I used to be. It's funny and I'm slightly jealous. I love and miss my Alli! But I LOVE my Carlos!!!! I'm so glad that you had a great time! Love you!

Megan said...

Such cute girls!! It looked like such a fun trip!! Moose, Laura? Happy Birthday ALli!!

Alli said...

We did have so much fun. Thanks for making it that way!